How to read P&IDs - Control Engineering
2000年8月1日 · Typical YIC indicates an on/off valve is controlled by a solenoid valve and is fitted with limit switches to indicate open (ZSH) and closed (ZSL) positions. All inputs and outputs are wired to a PLC that’s accessible to the operator (diamond in a square with a solid horizontal line).
How to Read and Interpret Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams …
The YIC 501 arrangement is typical of most on/off valves. Here, the YIC is an on/off valve being controlled by a solenoid valve and is fitted with limit switches ZSH and ZSL. ZSH indicates that the valve is open while ZSL indicates that the valve is in closed position or closed.
to indicate open (ZSH) and closed (ZSL) positions. All inputs and outputs are wired to a PLC that’s accessible to the operator (diamond in a square with a solid horizontal line). The letter 'Y' indicates an event, state, or presence. The letter 'I' depicts indication is provided, and the letter 'C' means control takes place in this device.
Reading and Interpreting of Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
2022年9月3日 · ZSH indicates the open position and ZSL indicates the closed position of the valve. Each input and output signal are cabled to the Programming Logic controller to make the operator accessible, indicated as a diamond in a square with a continuous horizontal line.
PID图中阀门编号含义 - 百度文库
来自百度文库 psl pal dpi dpt fi ft fy fc fo fl fv fq fr fic lsll zal zll zsl zsh ai at ae ay ar aic ash asl av di dv dall yal yll ysl 压力下限开关 压力下限报警 压差指示 压差变送器 流量指示 流量变送器 流量电-气转换器或三通电磁阀 阀门在故障时关 阀门在故障时开 阀门故障时锁定 流量调节阀或开关阀 流量积 …
PID图的内容、图形符号和文字代号、设计要素等 - 技术分享
pid中应标示出和成套供应的设备相接的连结点,并注明设备随带的管道和阀门与工程设计管道的分界点。工程设计部分必须在pid上标示,并与设备供货的图纸一致。 ⑬扩建管道与原有管道. 扩建管道与已有设备或管道连接时,要注明其分界点。
常用仪表字母和PID仪表信息英文缩写 - 道客巴巴
2023年7月5日 · 常用仪表字母和pid仪表信息英文缩写1、仪表常用缩写字母英文名称英文缩写中文名称temperaturewelltw温升temperatureindicatorti温度表temperaturetransmittertt温度变送器tempindicatorcontrollertic温度显示控制器temperaturecontrolvalvetcv温度控制阀temperatureswitchhightsh温度高开关temperatureswitchhighhightshh温度高高开关 ...
PID图电磁阀边上的zsl? - 盖德问答
我接触过的有的真空泵有过zsl系列的,一般是指真空射流系列。 您所指的电磁阀边上的标示不知是不是类似的意思,您可以根据实际判断一下。 0条评论 举报 收起
PID图中控制仪表的功能标志及图形符号 - 豆丁网
pid图中控制仪表的功能标志及图形符号 20977阅读 文档大小:1.0M 44页 damatuhao18 上传于2015-10-08 格式:PDF HG-T20505-2000_过程测量与控制仪表的功能标志及图形符号
史上最详细的PID教程——理解PID原理及优化算法_串级pid为什么 …
2021年3月22日 · 本文深入解析pid控制器,包括位置式与增量式pid的区别、常见pid算法如pi、pd、pid的工作原理及其适用场景。 讨论了PID的优化方法,如抗积分饱和、不完全微分、微分先行、带死区控制以及串级PID的应用,强调了在不同系统中如何选择和调整PID参数以提升控制性能。