Zeta Transfer Standard ZTS1240 - Malvern Panalytical
The Zeta Transfer Standard is designed to provide a reliable means of checking and documenting the performance of your Zeta capable Zetasizer as part of your accreditation scheme or regulatory conformance (such as FDA, EMA or MHRA).
ZTS1240 is Malvern Panalytical’s new Zeta Transfer Standard which is being introduced as a direct replacement for the long established DTS1235 Zeta Transfer Standard. DTS1235 is used to verify the correct operation of Malvern Panalytical’s range of Zetasizer Instruments (Zetasizer Nano series and Zetasizer Advance series in particular).
Zeta Transfer Standard ZTS1240 | 马尔文帕纳科
The Zeta Transfer Standard is designed to provide a reliable means of checking and documenting the performance of your Zeta capable Zetasizer as part of your accreditation scheme or …
ZTS1240 transfer standard for zeta and also size? - Malvern …
2021年9月14日 · We had zeta potential measurements in mind as the primary use for the Zeta Transfer Standard. This is a good sample to verify the zeta potential performance of your electrophoretic light scattering instrument. We recommend the DTS1270 folded capillary cell.
ZTS1240 transfer standard for zeta - and 4 size (inofficial)
2021年9月14日 · We had zeta potential measurements in mind as the primary use for the Zeta Transfer Standard. This is a good sample to verify the zeta potential performance of your electrophoretic light scattering instrument. We recommend the DTS1270 folded capillary cell.
Malvern Panalytical Zeta Potential Transfer Standard, 10 per pack
Zeta potential transfer standard, 1 box of 10 syringes. Direct replacement of DTS1235 Zeta Potential Transfer Standard. Note: This is not a primary standard and is only supplied with a generic measurement result.
ZTSG系列整流变频干式变压器技术参数汇总表_特种变压器资讯_变 …
2019年9月28日 · 1GB10230.2-2007 分接开关应用… 2018-07-10. GB10230.2-2007分接开关应用导则.pdf. 1整流变压器的分类 2019-02-18. 整流变压器与电力变压器的共性,决定了两者的分类有其相似之处。但随着整流技术的发展与进步,使其应用领域之…
ccm0027 How To Use zts1240 To Validate Zetasizer Nano - tcm50 …
How to use zts1240 validate zetasizer
【国家标准】 GB 1240-1976 光学样板 标准 - 道客巴巴
2015年8月6日 · 1IIIIIII本标准适用于以光波干涉方法检验球面和平面光学零件面形误差用的光学样板.一、型式和尺寸1.光学样板按用途分为两类:标准样板—复制工作样板用的光学样板工作样饭—检验光学零件用的光学样板..球面标准样板的型式和尺寸应符合表1的规定,当曲率半径小于35毫米时,也可傲成全球套制凸凹样板,其型式和尺寸应符合表规定.单位:毫米表1测量表面白17样板凹样 …
1240是几个物理学常数相乘除得到的数值。 对于某一波长的光所对应的能量为 hc/λ ,即 普朗克常数 乘以光速除以光波长,单位为 焦耳 ,如果将单位转化为eV( 电子伏特 ),则应该记为 hc/(λe),e表示电子电量。
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