ZZ-CT beginners guide (22 Algs) : r/Cubers - Reddit
2016年10月16日 · Hi, here is a little guide on how to use ZZ-CT beginner’s method and a general overview of ZZ-CT. I only started cubing earlier this year, so I’m not super-fast with this yet. I only learned the ZZ method like a month ago, but my times are already approaching my CFOP times and my PB is already with this ZZ-CT beginner variant. Most importantly I’m having more FUN with this. So for anyone ...
What are the benefits of using the ZZ method? : r/Cubers - Reddit
ZZ has 3 steps, similar to CFOP (cross, f2l, last layer). The first step is kind of the "core feature" of ZZ. It's called EOLine and consists of orienting every single edge on the cube (EO) and (simultaneously) placing DF and DB (Line). After EO, the entire cube can be solved without any cube rotations, and without any F or B moves.
ZZ method (warning, text wall) : r/speedsolving - Reddit
2013年6月27日 · The defining characteristic of the ZZ method, and also what distinguishes it from CFOP is what's called the EOLine. Where the first step of CFOP is the Cross, the corresponding first step of ZZ is EOLine. With, the cross, you solve the four edges in your D face, forming the "cross" that gives this step it's name.
Roux vs friedrich vs petrus vs ZZ? : r/Cubers - Reddit
2015年1月25日 · As a ZZ solver, I would say that its all personal preference and that you should try out any that interest you. I used to use CFOP before I switch to ZZ. Every method (atleast in the big 4) has the capability of getting you really fast times. After trying them out after a while, you will realize which one feels the best for you, then stick with it.
Twisty Puzzle Solvers, AKA: Cubers - Reddit
The 3 most popular speedsolving methods - ZZ, Roux, and CFOP, all have their advantages and disadvantages. This section will go over each and hopefully help you choose the method that best fits your style. CFOP Advantages/Reasons to use This is the most popular and most tested speedsolving method.
Cfop vs zz : r/Cubers - Reddit
2014年6月30日 · Haha. I have the exact same problem. ZZ has much smoother F2L imo. Because of the lack of cube rotations. I know lots of people use cfop for normal solving and then ZZ for OH solving. Its mainly preference. Go with whatever method you …
ZZ and Roux mains, why did you switch? : r/Cubers - Reddit
2022年8月27日 · 10 votes, 17 comments. Assuming most people used CFOP as their main advanced method, what made you switch to an alternate method? Also, if Roux or ZZ…
ZZ Method Tutorials? : r/Cubers - Reddit
2016年1月21日 · I've been searching and looking through a lot of different parts of the vast interweb and haven't found a ZZ Method tutorial that clicks or makes sense for me. No, I'm not being lazy, I just like thorough explanations and am curious if anyone knows of a good video/pdf that they perhaps learned from or know of.
What is do you think about the ZZ method? : r/Cubers - Reddit
There's probably some variants of zz that can get to the level of cfop and roux, just don't know which ones they are.
CFOP or ROUX or ZZ : r/Rubiks_Cubes - Reddit
2022年11月13日 · However if you learned layer by layer beginner method (you likely did), then learning basic CFOP is the way to go. I would recommend learning intuitive F2L first, then learn 2 look oll and 2 look pll.