Zabulistan - Wikipedia
Zabulistan (Persian: زابلستان, Zābulistān, Zābolistān, Zāwulistān or simply زابل Zābul, Pashto: زابل Zābəl), was a historical region in southern Afghanistan roughly corresponding to the modern …
词条搬运——尊日神教的故乡-樽比勒王国Zunbils - 知乎
樽比勒Zunbil,也写作 Zunbil,或 扎布里斯坦 的鲁特比尔Rutbils of Zabulistan, [3]是位于阿富汗兴都库什山以南的一个王国。 他们的统治期间从大约公元 680 年开始,直到公元 870 年被 萨 …
Zunbil dynasty - Wikipedia
Zunbil, also written as Zhunbil, or Rutbils of Zabulistan, [3] was a royal dynasty south of the Hindu Kush in present southern Afghanistan region. They were a dynasty of Hephthalite origin. [4] …
加兹尼王朝 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
加兹尼王朝 (波斯語: غزنویان , ġaznaviyān,公元977年-1186年 [3]), 宋代 称 吉慈尼国[註 1],又称 哥疾宁王朝 或 哥疾宁王国[註 2],常误译作 伽色尼王朝 或 伽色尼王国[註 3],為 波 …
4∮7Indo-scythian City States(4)樽彼勒 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
扎布里斯坦(Zabulistan),是阿富汗阿拉霍西亚地区的一部分,位于坎大哈和伽色尼之间,即今阿富汗的 乌鲁兹甘省和扎布尔省。 该地名出现于阿拉伯帝国时期的史料中,意思是Zabul人所 …
世界上有哪些意为「太阳升起之地」的地名? - 知乎
4,扎布里斯坦(Zabulistan),Zabul源于“Zunbil i dabtar”,即“审判者Zun神” Zun对应的是印度语Surya. 在锡斯坦也有叫做扎博勒(Zabol)的城市
Zabulistan - Wikiwand
Zabulistan (Persian: زابلستان, Zābulistān, Zābolistān, Zāwulistān or simply زابل Zābul, Pashto: زابل Zābəl), was a historical region in southern Afghanistan roughly corresponding to the modern …
Okar Research: Epic Hero Rostam: Zabulistan, Khorasan and Zun
2014年12月31日 · "Rostam or Rustam (Persian: رُستَم, ) is the epic hero of the Persian epic Shahnameh in Persian mythology, and son of Zal and Rudaba. In the story, Rostam and his …
Zabulistan - Jatland Wiki
2019年1月9日 · Babur, founder of the Mughal dynasty in the 16th century, records in Baburnama that the territory south of the Hindu Kush between Kandahar and Ghazni is generally known as …
Zabulistan - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年9月25日 · Babur, founder of the Mughal dynasty in the 16th century, records in Baburnama that the territory south of the Hindu Kush between Kandahar and Ghazni is generally known as …
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