Zaha Hadid Tribute: Remembering the Architect and Her Limitless ... - Vogue
2016年3月31日 · The cultural world is reeling today from the news that the pioneering architect Dame Zaha Hadid has died at age 65 in a Miami hospital following a heart attack. Known for her seemingly limitless...
每次出手都是生涯代表作!建築女爵札哈·哈蒂Zaha Hadid 13 大「絕美建築作品」巡禮 | Vogue …
2023年8月24日 · 扎哈·哈蒂Zaha Hadid是伊拉克裔英國建築師,以強烈的未來主義建築風格而聞名,她的作品往往帶有曲折的外牆、尖銳的稜角,她使用混凝土和鋼筋等世上最堅硬的材料,但 …
Remembering the Genius of Architect Zaha Hadid | Vogue
2016年3月31日 · The discipline of architecture has lost one of its most profound figures today—Zaha Hadid has passed away from a heart attack at the age of 65. The Baghdad-born architect, who worked with Rem...
獨家全新聯名M+與Zaha Hadid設計系列限定登場 | Vogue Taiwan
2024年4月30日 · 札哈·哈蒂Zaha Hadid女爵士,生於伊拉克巴格達,伊拉克裔英國建築師,後來定居英國,於2004年成為首位獲得普立茲克建築獎的女性建築師。 她於2010年和2011年獲得英國建築的最高榮譽-史特靈獎。
她是第一位獲普立茲克建築獎的女性建築師:12張圖帶你回顧札哈哈蒂的傑作 …
2016年4月14日 · 在建築界享富盛名,人稱建築女王的札哈哈蒂(Zaha Hadid)於3月31日因心臟病發辭世,享年66歲;她是第一位獲得普立茲克建築獎的女性建築師,設計帶有強列的抽象現代風,除了設計過不少當代的博物館、藝術中心、劇院、體育館,也為不少品牌設計店面。
Zaha Hadid’s most memorable and inspiring quotes - Vogue …
Multi-award winning architect Zaha Hadid was a fierce advocate for women in the creative fields and innovation in architecture. Here are some of her best quotes.
ZAHA HADID DESIGN由建筑灵感出发,打造一系列产品,覆盖了设计行业的各个领域,包括时装、珠宝、限量版家具、室内设计、展览设计以及布景等等。
Architect Zaha Hadid Dies - British Vogue
2016年3月31日 · Architect Dame Zaha Hadid has died, aged 65. The architect responsible for such designs as the London Olympics Aquatics Centre, the Heydar Aliyev Centre in Baku and the Vitra Fire Station in Germany, she became the first woman to receive the Pritzker prize in 2004 and to win the Royal Institute of British Architects Gold Medal just months ago.
Vogue Living remembers the work of architect Zaha Hadid
Zaha Hadid is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) modern architects, designing awe-inspiring buildings in her signature fluid style.
In Memoriam: What Dame Zaha Hadid Taught Us - en.vogue.me
But she also had us—the millions of women that she inspired. And now, it’s on us to carry her legacy, and become the women Dame Zaha Hadid showed us—through example—that we …
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