Zähl HM1 Headphones Mixing Amplifier - Zaehl
Reference Amplifier with unprecedented transparency and precision, attention to detail and massive power performance. Rich feature set for both high-end enthusiasts and professional users. Designed and manufactured in Germany. Precise, finely tuned tools for sound adjustment. Stereo base control for adjusting the stereo image (spatiality).
Zähl HM1 Reference Desktop Headphone Amplifier
The Zähl (pronounced Zaehl) HM1 is high-quality fully analogue, Class A reference headphones mixing amplifier designed with no compromise to offer an unprecedented level of transparency and detail that will thrill the most discerning professionals and audiophiles alike.
- 评论数: 4
【心得】Zahl HM1 耳擴開箱 @影音視聽討論區 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
2023年10月20日 · 目前旗艦產品是AM1模擬調音台,其使用者包括眾多國際知名的音樂製作人和製作人。 Zahl 從未生產過大批量產品,重點始終放在類比技術上,主要是訂製或小批量生產。 專業/母帶製作工作室、音樂家的私人工作室等等。 和相關產品。 後來也包括純廣播應用的產品等等。 anna Nannini、Eurythmics 等等)。 Conny's Studio一直服役到最後。 類比與數位? Zahl剛成立時,數位音頻技術仍處於起步階段。 當時高級演播室技術是以類比為主的。 隨著時間演進, …
[心得] Zahl HM1 耳擴 - 開箱與閒聊 - 看板 Headphone - 批踢踢實 …
2023年10月19日 · Zahl Elektronik-Tontechnik 是德國一家擁有超過 35 年歷史的類比演播室高端技術與設備製造商。 目前旗艦產品是AM1模擬調音台,其使用者包括眾多國際知名的音樂製作人和製作人。 Zahl 從未生產過大量產品,重點始終放在類比技術上,主要是訂製或小批量生產。
Zahl HM1 - Elise Audio
Reference Amplifier with unprecedented transparency and precision, attention to detail and massive power performance. Rich feature set for both high-end enthusiasts and professional users. Designed and manufactured in Germany. Precise, finely tuned tools for sound adjustment. Stereo base control for adjusting the stereo image (spatiality).
Zähl HM1 - Reference Headphone Amplifier - Head-Fi.org
2022年5月25日 · Reference Amplifier with unprecedented transparency and precision, attention to detail and massive power performance. Rich feature set for both high-end enthusiasts and professional users. Designed and manufactured in Germany. the "precision comparison" application is quite interesting!
Zähl HM1 First Impressions – Headphones.com
2022年12月12日 · The Zähl HM1 is an immensely impressive, full Class A amplifier with some unique features and a no-compromise design that make it quite possibly the best headphone amplifier money can buy.
ZAHL HM1 MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Zahl HM1 manual online. Reference headphones mixing amplifier. HM1 amplifier pdf manual download.
Zähl HM1 - Reference Headphone Amplifier - Official Thread
2022年5月24日 · This is the official thread to discuss the Zaehl HM1 Reference Headphone Amplifier. From the Zaehl website. " Reference Amplifier with unprecedented transparency and precision, attention to detail and massive power performance. Rich feature set for both high-end enthusiasts and professional users. Designed and manufactured in Germany."
Michael Zähl developed the HM1 REFERENCE HEADPHONES MIXING AMPLIFIER, originally for professional use in the best recording studios of this world. The general design language as well as the functional orientation, however, follows a pleasantly puristic approach, so that the ZÄHL HM1 stands out from the mass of pure studio devices, espe-