ZAO BOG - Facebook
A True Original Metal Band from Queens "Coming Soon" ..to a venue near you!
ZAO BOG "Beloved Traitor" (analog) SD 480p - YouTube
This is the older and better produced version that I recorded with the band years ago sometime in the early 2000'sI wrote this song about an old friend who I...
ZAO BOG "The Great American Headhunt" analog SD 480p
This version was recorded in the early 2000's in Long Island City Queens NY.This song is about 9/11/01 and the days and years to follow as a result
ZAO BOG - ZAO BOG will be recording our NEW album in the.
ZAO BOG will be recording our NEW album in the coming weeks ...stay tuned, we will be back on the stages of the tri-state area soon, and we are gonna...
ZAO BOG - Hahahahahahahaaa Here is a sick little video.
2012年12月5日 · Hahahahahahahaaa Here is a sick little video that our good friend and loyal fan Scotty Eugene Fields made which features a sound clip of our song "GUESS AGAIN" Great work Scott!!!!
This band features former members of "Internal Bleeding", "Immortal Suffering", "Zao Bog", "No Redeeming Social Value", etc. *Members currently in "SLAYER" cover band named "Show No Mercy" + add album
ZAO BOG "Save Yourself" analog SD 480p - YouTube
This is the older recording from around the early 2000's we recorderd in Long Island City Queens NYC This song is about my thoughts about how some people foo...
ZAO BOG: Path to Paradise New 2016 EP - YouTube
A new track featured on our 2016 EP
ZAO BOG - Yet another Great Success!!! Thanx to Ozzie... - Facebook
Yet another Great Success!!! Thanx to Ozzie Mortanis, and Gussy's Bar for having us play our first Astoria Queens spot...and thanx to Winter Nights for...
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