The Mount Zao area is named for the mountain range distinguished by its iconic Okama Crater. It is also home to the famous Zao Fox Village and the Zao Kokeshi Museum, which boasts the largest kokeshi doll collection in Japan.
Zao Onsen Travel Guide - What to do around Mount Zao - japan-guide.com
On the Yamagata side, the hot spring town of Zao Onsen offers some of the country's most acidic thermal waters. In summer, the mountain attracts nature lovers with its spectacular Okama Crater, while in winter, Zao Onsen turns into a leading ski resort and one of only few places in Japan to see "snow monsters" (frozen trees).
Zao & Togatta OnsenHot Spring Tour - VISIT MIYAGI
From May to October, you can visit the Okama crater in Zao, the top sightseeing spot in Miyagi Prefecture, using public transportation. Enjoy the atmosphere of the hot spring town at the foot of the mountain in Togatta Onsen while savoring Miyagi’s local cuisine at night.
Zao Travel Guide: Things to do in Zao, Miyagi - Japan Travel
Zao is a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts as well as the natural 'snow monster' phenomenon – ice-covered coniferous trees along the mountainside. In recent times, the Zao name has also becoming increasingly synonymous with the Zao Fox Village to the south—paradise for cute fox lovers—though it's technically located just ...
【宫城自由行】藏王3天2夜慢活之旅:仙台、树冰、狐狸村、远刈 …
2020年3月19日 · 位于日本东北地区的宫城县,除了观光大城仙台市、日本三景之一松岛等人气景点可造访,得天独厚的丰饶自然环境,其实也很适合来一趟轻松无负担的慢活轻旅行。 这次 tsunagu Japan 编辑部要带你踏上宫城的藏王町,刻意调慢旅行节奏,采用“一天一景一宿”的步调,游览狐狸村、藏王树冰,更下榻优质的温泉山庄与度假旅宿,在大自然簇拥下享受最惬意的时光。 2. 壮丽的天然艺术・树冰鉴赏之旅. 3. 温泉山庄 大根之花. 4. 藏王木芥子馆. 5. 由“藏王之 …
Zao Echo Line - Discover SENDAI
Zao Echo Line, which transverses the Zao mountain range to the east and west, is a scenic mountain tourist road that extends for 26 kilometers. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery in every season: snowy walls from the end of April to the middle of May, lush greenery in early summer, and autumn leaves in fall.
How to get to and around Zao: Access, Orientation and …
Take the JR Senzan Line from Sendai to Yamagata (70-90 minutes, 1170 yen, one train per hour) and transfer to a bus to Zao Onsen (40 minutes, 1200 yen, one bus per hour). The train ride is covered by the Japan Rail Pass, JR East Tohoku Area Pass and JR East South Hokkaido Pass, but the bus ride is not.
Zao Onsen - Travel Japan - Japan National Tourism Organization
Zao is a popular ski and hot spring resort area nestled between the mountains of Yamagata and Miyagi Prefectures. Zao Onsen is known for its mineral rich water which helps to relieve fatigue and beautify the skin, and is also a famous ski resort during the snowy season.
Zao & Around | Miyagi | Tohoku | Destinations - Travel Japan
Zao is a nature lovers' paradise, sandwiched between Miyagi and Yamagata prefectures in Tohoku, the northeastern region of Japan's main island, Honshu. Attractions include “snow monsters,” a village of foxes, hiking and skiing in the mountains, or …
Sendai to Zao Onsen - 3 ways to travel via bus, car, and taxi
There are 3 ways to get from Sendai to Zao Onsen by bus, car, or taxi. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.