Family Appreciation Day | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic …
At Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big McIntosh are awoken in the night when Granny Smith starts running around outside with cooking pots attached to her neck and …
家族荣誉 - 小马中文维基 | MLP中文维基 | 我的小马驹:友谊就是 …
在原本制作的时候,据珊迪·莫伦所说,闪电苹果被称为“Zapples”,之后又逐步变化为“Zippityzapples”、“ZipZap Apples”、“Zipzapples”、“AppleZaps”,最后定为现在的名 …
Food and beverage - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
In the episode Family Appreciation Day, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom make Zap Apple jam from Zap Apples, rainbow-colored apples discovered in the Everfree Forest by Granny Smith. …
Zap Apples - Equestripedia
2024年6月16日 · Zap Apples are a magical type of apple that are native to the Everfree Forest, and have a very specific growing cycle. They are shaped like regular apples, but are rainbow …
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S2 E11 "Family Appreciation …
Late one night, the Apple family are awakened by Granny Smith banging pots outside, alerting them to the howling of the Timber Wolves. The wolves and their howls are the herald of the …
Zap Apples | My Little Pony: Nine Elements Wiki | Fandom
Zap Apples are a rare type of apple in My Little Pony: Nine Elements. Zap Apples are rainbow-colored apple. They only grow on certain conditions. They can't be eaten raw, but, they can be …
Transcripts/Family Appreciation Day | My Little Pony Friendship …
Just like harvestin' the zap apples had its special rules, so did makin' zap apple jam. I learned that you gotta be extra friendly with the bees, otherwise their honey won't taste rightly sweet to mix …
《魔虹苹果》(Zap Apple)第一章.《马谷情深》【MLP英文同人文 …
2021年11月6日 · 珍奇,柔柔,碧琪,苹果嘉儿和云宝是车上唯几的乘客。 几马都在这异乎寻常的寂静中坐着。 虽然没有马在大声说出来,但这五个朋友都互相心知肚明。 她们刚刚把两个最 …
How does the Zap apples taste? (and related questions)
2015年6月16日 · Zap apples probably tastes shockingly good. The red part is cherry, the orange is peach, the yellow is apple, the green is lime marmalade, the blue is blueberry, the purple is …
《魔虹苹果》(Zap Apple) 第七章「终」. 《忠实之交》 - 哔哩哔哩
甜贝儿和苹果丽丽从木制楼梯上跑了下来,后面紧跟着滑着滑板的醒目璐璐。 她扑扇着翅膀并从她的军团成员上方掠过,蹄子碰着空气。 “珍奇? ”甜贝儿奇怪地问道, “你在这里干什么? ” 珍 …