132.90 fl290+ 12430 zlc17 126.85 sfc + 012425 133.67 fl270+ 134.57 * fl270+ zdv1e 120.57 fl270 + - 11847 ...
7mp2s oooa 118.05 zmpii 133.40 *ioxc zmp32 zmp2s 127.90 121.05 zmp2s 134.55 oooa z'/ 922 127.42 * 340k zmpis ...
Wash. Artcc freq. update - forums.liveatc.net
2006年1月19日 · Don't know if anyone has caught this or not but the Northernmost Wash ARTCC sector bordering NY ARTCC freq that used to be 128.525/127.425 has changed frequencies to 120.975/121.375(altitude split after FL 340). aS FAR AS i CAN TELL 127.425 has been moved to cover either super high over 133.825 alone or it has been moved further south to replace 118.825 bordering JAX ARTCC over the 118.475 sector.
LOA for Vero Beach, Ft. Pierce & MIAMI ARTCC
2011年7月14日 · LOA for Vero Beach, Ft. Pierce & MIAMI ARTCC « on: July 11, 2011, 12:19:20 PM » I am working on a school project where I am to design an approach control for an airport without one.
LiveATC Discussion Forums - Index
3 天之前 · ARTCC/FIR/TRACON Maps. Sector maps of Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC), Flight Information Regions (FIR), and Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON's) areas. Moderators: dave, Fryy/Avocadoflight, RonR. 564 Posts 118 Topics Last post by Piez in Re: ZAB ARTCC Sector Map on August 09, 2024, 15:00:52 UTC
BOS ARTCC 128.05 - forums.liveatc.net
2006年4月27日 · bos artcc 128.05 « Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 01:49:06 PM » >> Was just wondering if any of the BOS ARTCC feeders considered adding in 128.05 to their feeds ? 128.05 is a very inportant sector with tons of in and outbounds to YUL,YYZ,EWR,JFK traffic <<
US ARTCC frequency relay system - forums.liveatc.net
2010年10月29日 · US ARTCC frequency relay system ? « on: October 26, 2010, 04:52:33 PM » In Canada and Europe it is standard for Approach Control and Enroute ARTCC frequencies to be linked via a frequency relay system, so that when a controller is working more than one frequency, the aircraft tuned to different frequencies will still be able to hear each other.
Kansas City ARTCC antenna tower dismantled - forums.liveatc.net
Kansas City ARTCC antenna tower dismantled « on: November 27, 2018, 02:42:42 AM » I’ve lived about one mile from this facility for 31 years, and within 10 miles of it for 54 years.
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