ZB-60 - Wikipedia
The ZB-60 was a heavy machine gun designed by Zbrojovka Brno in Czechoslovakia during the 1930s. Weapons acquired after the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 were taken into Wehrmacht service as the 15 mm FlaMG 39 (t); Former Yugoslav guns were designated as the 15 mm FlaMG 490 (j).
ZB60重机枪 - 百度百科
zb60重机枪是一种气冷式重机枪,弹链供弹,枪管可以更换,以提高火力连续性。它的结构原理与7.92mm口径的 zb53重机枪 很相似,但并非完全相同,zb60没有双率缓冲区机构。zb60重机枪采用右侧钢制弹链供弹,理论射速为430发/分钟。
真当我捷克只有zb26?我们的重机枪一样被大量使用——捷克ZB60 …
除了上述的小口径机枪,德国人还从捷克手里取得了一些重机枪,其中,最有代表的便是zb60重机枪。 在20世纪30年代, Škoda 军械库研制了一门大口径的机枪,他的第一次测试是在1934年。
被忽略的重要角色(番外篇1)——ZB60大口径机枪 - 哔哩哔哩
ZB60使用15×104mm规格弹药,主要有三个弹种,分别是被帽穿甲弹,穿甲爆炸弹和高爆弹。 被帽穿甲弹,黄铜被甲兼具弹带和风帽的功能,弹头重75克,初速895m/s,可穿透距离50米的28mm装甲钢板和距离350米的16mm装甲钢板
ZB-60 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The ZB-60 was a heavy machine gun designed by Zbrojovka Brno in Czechoslovakia during the 1930s. Weapons acquired after the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 were taken into Wehrmacht service as the 15 mm FlaMG 39 (t); Former Yugoslav guns were designated as the 15 mm FlaMG 490 (j).
捷克斯洛伐克ZB60重机枪 - 哔哩哔哩
二战最大口径重机枪,捷克ZB60的那点事儿_mm - 搜狐
2020年9月20日 · ZB60的研发从30年代开始,到1938年研制完成,军方的正式称号应该叫做15mm vz.38,不过捷克军方并没有正式列装,有一种说法是因为还没来得及装备德国人就打进来了,不过捷克在学德语之前已经有70挺交付给了伊朗、477挺交付给了南斯拉夫、140挺交付给了英国 ...
ZB 60 - Modern Firearms
The ZB60 is a gas operated, air-cooled, belt fed weapon that fire from an open bolt. The barrel can be changed quickly to provide sustained firepower, and is fitted with a carrying handle. The action of the gun is very similar to that of ZB53, scaled up for the larger cartridge, except that it has no dual-rate buffer system. Otherwise the gas ...
ZB-60 - Weaponsystems.net
Axis forces using a 15mm ZB-60 in the anti-aircraft role during World War 2. Over 3.200 15mm Besa Mk. II. The ZB-60 is a World War 2 era heavy machine gun of Czechoslovak origin. Design efforts started in the early 1930's for a 20mm automatic gun for anti-tank service.