Type 05 amphibious fighting vehicle - Wikipedia
The Type 05 amphibious armored vehicle (Chinese: 05式两栖装甲车) is a family of amphibious tracked armored fighting vehicles developed by Norinco for the People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps, consisting of two main combat variants — the ZBD-05 infantry fighting vehicle and the ZTD-05 assault vehicle, as well as several support ...
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The ZBD-05 (VN-18) is a Type 05 amphibious infantry fighting vehicle developed by Norinco for the People's Liberation Army. The Type 05 family is a collection of amphibious AFVs in service with...
ZBD-03 - Wikipedia
The ZBD-03 or Type 03 (industrial designation WZ506) is a Chinese airborne infantry fighting vehicle. It features a light-weight chassis and hydropneumatic suspension for airborne operations. Early prototypes received the designation ZLC-2000 .
中国装备志——ZBD-04型履带式装甲步兵车 - 知乎专栏
NORINCO ZBD2000 (Z-Series) Amphibious ARV / IFV / Light Tank
2022年4月23日 · The base ZBD is a 26-ton vehicle with a conventional track-and-wheel system powered by an internal diesel engine installation. Maximum road speeds reach 40 mph (65 kmh) with an operational range listed at 500 km - key qualities to consider when estimating the capabilities of a modern armored vehicle.
红色铁流:极简解放军履带式步战车发展史(86/04车族) - 哔哩 …
2023年9月4日 · 1967年,世界上第一款真正意义上的步兵战车,前苏联BMP-1步兵战车出现在红场阅兵式上,它的服役改写了装甲车辆的发展轨迹,相对于轮式的BTR-152/60和履带式的BTR-50,尽管BMP-1的装甲防护算不上有了多大改进,但是相对于前两位BTR仅能携带使用重机枪、开放式载员舱而言,BMP-1不仅配备了一门73毫米低膛压火炮,而且还能发射AT-3(9M14“婴儿”)反坦克导弹,而且拥有全封闭式载员舱,能够在核生化条件下伴随T-55/T-62等坦克冲击。 …
China’s Amphibious Assault - Asian Military Review
2021年6月23日 · At the forefront of any ship-to-shore landing operation would be the Type 05 family of tracked amphibious vehicles, which comprise the ZBD-05 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) armed with the ZPT-99 30mm autocannon and HJ-73B anti-tank guided missile (ATGM), the ZTD-05 assault vehicle armed with a 105mm low recoil gun, and complemented by armoured ...
2020年10月13日 · 这型6×6驱动模式的轮式车辆,技术上采用双横臂式独立悬挂、桥间和轮间差速锁,可调气压防弹轮胎,转向助力系统等。 而且92式还具备水陆通行能力,使得该车具有较高的机动性、通过性和行驶平稳性。 时至今日,92式也是我国少数参加过实战部署(维和及国内治安)的一型轮式装备。 先后发展了92式步兵战车(安装ZPT90式25毫米机关炮)、92A型轮式装甲车、WZ551S轮式装甲输送车、WZ550反坦克导弹发射车、87式100毫米轮式突击炮车、120毫米 …
中国装备志——ZBD-03式空降战车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ZBD-03式空降战车, 企业内部编号 WZ-506, 为我国研制生产的一型能够从大型运输机上直接空投的轻型装甲车辆,也是中国的第一款伞兵战车,更早时候开发的WZ141履带式超轻型反坦克战车仅为试验性质战车,主要为空降部队提供火力支持和运输能力,在和平使命-2005联合军事演习中首次公开亮相,并已经参加过四次阅兵,主要由 中国兵器工业集团江麓机电集团有限公司。 ZBD-03式空降战车基础参数, 战斗全重8吨,乘员3人,载员4人,长7.62米,宽3.04米,高2.13 …
未转变者中国南方步战车长什么样 - 百度知道