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Type 05 amphibious fighting vehicle - Wikipedia
The Type 05 amphibious armored vehicle (Chinese: 05式两栖装甲车) is a family of amphibious tracked armored fighting vehicles developed by Norinco for the People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps, consisting of two main combat variants — the ZBD-05 infantry fighting vehicle and the ZTD-05 assault vehicle, as well as several support ...
HJ-10 - Wikipedia
HJ-10 (or "Red Arrow 10") is a Chinese ground-launched anti-tank missile developed by Norinco. It has a tandem high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead, that may penetrate 1,400 mm (55 in) of conventional steel armour protected by explosive reactive armour.
中国现役步兵战车zbd,zbl,zsl啥意思 - 百度知道
2017年6月13日 · 10式装甲步兵战车长7.5米、宽3.2米、高2.6米,重23吨,改用了动力舱后置的布置,动力装置为330马力的柴油机,最大速度为65公里/每小时,最大行程为500公里。
Extension for Lightning Wallet - ZBD
ZBD Browser Extension – Bitcoin Lightning on your desktop The browser extension lets you take ZBDwith you across mobile and desktop. Built for gamers, great for everyone that wants to send and receive Bitcoin instantly, free of charge.
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ZBD-04 - Wikipedia
The main armament of the ZBD-04 is a two-plane stabilized, semi-automatic 100 mm rifled gun, capable of firing both HE-FRAG rounds and the 3UBK10 ATGM. The effective range of the HE-FRAG round is estimated to be 4,000 meters, with a rate of fire of 10 rounds/minute.
中国红箭-10/HJ-10反坦克导弹_Hongjian-10 / HJ-10 ... - GlobalMil
The Chinese HJ-10A ATGM system is a heavy-duty, fiber-optic guided anti-tank missile, and its launching vehicle has an elevating mast-type photoelectric sighting system that can detect and lock the hostile armored vehicles as far as possible.
中国装备志——ZBD-04型履带式装甲步兵车 - 知乎
2A70型100毫米线膛炮 最大射速为10发/分,最大有效射程4公里,炮身俯仰角为-6~+60°,作为04步战车的一款反装甲武器,这门线膛炮车辆能够发射两种榴弹之外,还具备发射GP一02型炮射导弹的能力,这型导弹仿俄制 ZUBK-10型炮射导弹,最大射程5公里,另外还有一型 ...
ZBD-04步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZBD-04步兵战车的車身採用常規 装甲运兵车 的設計,車尾有一道单开式尾門,其大小比BMP-3发动机后置的尾車要大,因此ZBD-04步兵战车的乘坐步兵在上下車方面比BMP-3要方便,全車乘坐10人,包括車長、炮手、駕駛員和7名步兵。