ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The ZBL-09 is the most numerous variant of the Type 09 family, which as a result it is often the designation used to describe the entire genus of Type 09 variants. It is designed as an IFV,...
Type 08 - Wikipedia
ZBL-08 is the designation for the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant in the Type 08 vehicle family.
NORINCO ZBL-09 (Snow Leopard) - Military Factory
2023年8月30日 · The NORINCO ZBL-09 "Snow Lepard" represents an all-modern, modular-minded 8x8 Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV) design of Chinese origin. The singular design is …
ZBL-09 - Army Recognition
2023年4月13日 · The ZBD-09 or ZBL-09 or Type 07P is a wheeled infantry armored fighting vehicle designed and manufactured by the Chinese Defense Company NORINCO China …
ZBL-09 / VN-1 IFV | Thai Military and Asian Region
2016年7月13日 · With add-on armor fitted the ZBL-09 can be considered as a wheeled IFV. It is speculated that vehicle utilizes design elements and technologies protecting occupants from …
ZBD-09 Snow Leopard wheeled IFV (2009) - tank-afv.com
The standard IFV version is given a two-man turret with a 30mm dual-purpose chain gun and a 7.62mm coaxial light machine gun, while its long-range antitank capability is enhanced by two …
NORINCO ZBL-09 (Snow Leopard) - Military Equipment Guide …
The NORINCO ZBL-09 "Snow Leopard" represents the most advanced modular 8x8 Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) of Chinese origin. The unique design is designed to fulfill various …
The most prevalent configuration of the ZBL-09 APC mounts a one-man turret, integrating a 30mm automatic cannon and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun. In addition, the turret is capable …
NORINCO VN1 APC / ZBL09 IFV / PLL09 / ZTL09 Type 09 8 x 8 …
2012年12月24日 · The first Type 09 variant to enter service in China was as an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) with the designation ZBL09. The Type 09 chassis has since been used on a …
ZBL09 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The ZBL-09 is a Chinese wheeled armored fighting vehicle. It is a recent People's Republic of China produced competitor to the Piranha family of 8x8 wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles.[1] …