Which ARTCC ZDC(Washington) or ZTL(Atlanta)?
2020年7月6日 · I moved last year. From the MD suburbs of DC. To 15mi. from RDU(Raleigh-Durham International). When I was in MD. The ARTCC was ZDC(Washington). I was in the …
ZDC RCAG Sites and Sectors Map - RadioReference.com Forums
2018年12月23日 · I've seen the frequency list for ARTCC, specifically ZDC, and notice it is broken down in RCAG sites and sectors. I've searched but can't find an easy to read (for non-pilots) …
Updated Washington Center Information - RadioReference.com …
2021年1月30日 · On the subject of updated ZDC information they are changing the airspace a bit in that area, adding routes, a new ultra high sector, and tweaking some low sector boundaries. …
Bearcat-BC250D-ZDC ARTCC | RadioReference.com Forums
2005年11月16日 · I'm an air traffic controller at Washington Center (ZDC) and would like to be able to monitor the frequencies from home or while commuting to and from work (Leesburg, …
Bearcat BC150 - ZDC ARTCC | RadioReference.com Forums
2005年11月16日 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Bearcat BC150 - ZDC ARTCC | Page 2 - RadioReference.com Forums
2005年11月16日 · J or JLHDU: I think from what you've described of your listening wishes, I'd go with the Uniden 785 rather than the 250, partly for the reasons that Dave mentioned. If your …
Updated ARTCC frequencies... - RadioReference.com Forums
2007年2月8日 · The only ARTCC that I believe is totally up-to-date in this area and at this time is Washington Center (ZDC) because we've been able to firmly place all the new freqs they're …
ARTCC RCAG - RadioReference.com Forums
2024年4月12日 · ARTCC RCAG. Thread starter Chris0516; Start date Apr 11, 2024; Chris0516 ... (ZDC) Air Route Traffic ...
Getting started - RadioReference.com Forums
2018年7月1日 · I just started expanding my scanner interests to listing to the vhf airband. I am located in the Washington (zdc) artcc airspace. Can someone help me with the geography of …
Need Some Help on Unknown Freqs - RadioReference.com Forums
2004年10月28日 · 124.525 is an ARTCC frequency listed as Boston Center, Low/Discrete. I hear traffic on it right now as I type this, but can't verify one way or the other yet... And I'm gonna …