ZDL - ZDoom Wiki
2023年9月17日 · ZDL is a simple but user friendy and feature rich cross-platform launcher originally written by BioHazard. It has had several modifications and updates since its first launch. Many versions of ZDL exist (from newest to oldest):
[Guide] How to set up ZDL [Updated 8/16/23] - ZDoom
2022年11月16日 · Make a .ZDL file for your mod and copy the filename (i.e Abysm - Dawn of Innocence.zdl). Go into Steam and click "Add a Game", choose "Add a Non-Steam Game" and select ZDL.exe. Once added, right-click on ZDL.exe in your Steam Library and choose properties. Change "ZDL" to the name of your mod (i.e. Abysm 1 - Dawn of Innocence).
ZDL [Doom] [Modding Tools] - GameBanana
ZDL - A Modding Tool for Doom.
Steam Community :: Guide :: How to ZDL
2023年7月23日 · So ZDL will never overwrite any content added. The main elements to ZDL. Engines Supports multiple source ports, from vanilla to modern retro; Mods Can Import multiple mods and rearrange the load order; WADS Game data files from DOOM DOOM II etc; Now to ZDL, easily allocate engines, organize your content order and save .zdl profiles.
ZDL FINAL FIXED VERSION file - Brutal Doom mod for Doom
The definitive gameplay enhancement mod for the GZDoom and Zandronum engines. Adds realistic gore, dismemberments, headshots, executions, lightning effects, particles, makes enemies smarter and harder, makes gun louder and beefier, and adds epic new boss battles.
ZDL - Steam Community
ZDL is a user friendly multi platform front-end framework to enhance gameplay features for ID1 Tech applications (Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen etc) Easily setup Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Coop and VR profiles for quick access.
ZDL Released (UPDATED August 8th 2012) - ZDoom
2012年4月16日 · This is my complete rewrite of ZDLSharp in C++ and Qt. It's intended to be a drop in replacement for ZDL 3.1a.
Studio | ZDL studio
ZDL je arhitektonski studio koji se kroz opću arhitektonsku praksu susreo sa najširim brojem arhitektonskih tipologija koje su u mjerilima kreću od mikro lokala i prefabriciranih smještajnih jedinica, preko obiteljskih vila i stambenih zgrada do objekata javne, društvene i sportske namjene (marine, sportski kampovi, stadioni, muzeji ...
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ZDL (ZDoom launcher 3.1.1 by lcferrum) - Archive.org
2020年7月6日 · ZDL is a frontend ("launcher") for ZDoom based Doom engine source ports. It provides convenient interface to launch Doom engine games and their third-party modifications (WADs) using selected source port. Launch configurations can be saved on disc to be later used by ZDL to quickly launch selected game or modification.