Strong's Hebrew: 2088. זֶה (zeh) -- This, that - Bible Hub
"Zeh" is used to point out something specific and is frequently employed in both narrative and dialogue within the Hebrew Bible to draw attention to particular items or concepts. Cultural and Historical Background: In ancient Hebrew culture, demonstrative pronouns like "zeh" were essential for communication, especially in oral traditions where ...
Strong's Hebrew: 2089. שֶׂה (zeh) -- this, that - Bible Hub
Usage: The Hebrew word "זֶה" (zeh) is a demonstrative pronoun used to indicate a specific object, person, or idea that is near in time, place, or thought. It is often translated as "this" or "that" in English. In Hebrew, it is used to point out or specify something that is being referred to, often in a direct and immediate context.
ZEH(ネット・ゼロ・エネルギー・ハウス)に関する情報公開に …
平成28年度より、自社が受注する住宅のうちzehが占める割合(zeh化率)を2020年までに50%以上とする目標を宣言・公表したハウスメーカー、工務店、建築設計事務所、リフォーム業者、建売住宅販売者等を「zehビルダー」として公募、登録し、屋号・目標値 ...
ZEH(ゼッチ)とは? 定義や種類、メリット、補助金などを解説
2022年5月10日 · 「ZEH(ゼッチ:ネット・ゼロ・エネルギーハウス)」とは、住宅で使う一次エネルギー(電気に変換される前の石炭や天然ガスなどのエネルギー資源)の年間消費量が、おおむねゼロの住宅のことです。...
זה | Abarim Publications Theological Dictionary (Old Testament …
2014年11月28日 · The demonstrative pronoun and adverb זה (zeh) or זו (zo) or זאת (zo't; feminine), meaning that or which, happens in various but comparable forms all over the Semitic language area. It probably has nothing to do with the root זהה .
words - The difference between "hu" and "zeh" - Mi Yodeya
2021年7月5日 · But the word "hu" generally is a third person masculine pronoun, "he" and the word "zeh" seems to be used for "this" or "that". According to this website, the difference between the two is also a word to indicate something that is near – זה – and a word to indicate something which is far – הוא –
H2088 - zê - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon (kjv) - Blue Letter Bible
The KJV translates Strong's H2088 in the following manner: this, thus, these, such, very, hath, hence, side, same. Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
Hebrew Concordance: zeh -- 315 Occurrences - Bible Hub
NAS: He has therefore given me this [son] also. NAS: my father, for this one is the firstborn. NAS: has sent me to you.' This is My name. NAS: people? Why did You ever send me? NAS: at night. Thus the one did not come near. KJV: [to these]: so that the one came not near the other all the night. NAS: old. This [was] the offering. NAS: old.
令和6年度 戸建ZEH - ZEH補助金
本事業は、年間の一次エネルギー消費量が正味でゼロとなることを目指した住宅(ZEH)、又はZEHより省エネを更に深堀りするとともに、設備のより効果的な運用等により太陽光発電等の自家消費拡大を目指したZEH(ZEH+)となる戸建住宅を新たに建築する、又は新築建売住宅を購入する事業が対象です。 今年度のZEHポータルアカウント発行依頼の受付は終了しました。 2024年11月5日(火)から複数年度の事業が申請可能になります。 中間報告の最終提出期限 …
Zeh - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年11月3日 · “Zeh” in Duden online “Zeh” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache; Friedrich Kluge (1883) “Zeh”, in John Francis Davis, transl., Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, published 1891
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