PS20 Mobile Computer Support | Zebra - Zebra Technologies
Find information on drivers, software, support, downloads and more for your Zebra PS20 Personal Shopper Mobile Computer.
PS20 Personal Shopper Specification Sheet - Zebra
Give every customer that enters your store the ultimate personalized shopping experience with the next generation shopping assistant, the PS20 Personal Shopper. Building on the successful and proven MC18, the PS20 adds loads of features that propel it to the head of its class to deliver revolutionary customer service and more.
Personal Shopper Series | Zebra - Zebra Technologies
Give every shopper that enters your store a personalized shopping experience with the PS20 Personal Shopper while adding increased productivity for your staff. The PS20 Plus elevates and personalizes the consumers' in-store shopping journey, making the shopping trips faster, smarter and more customized.
PS20 个人购物助手 - zebra.cn
Zebra 的 PS20 个人购物助手让零售店购物者能够在购物过程中扫描商品,提升购物体验、忠诚度和购物篮容量。
卓越的 Android 操作系统和安全支持PS20 具有面向 Android 未来版本的内置支持功能,可更大程度延长操作系统的使用寿命。 Zebra LifeGuard 的加持,可为 PS20 和Zebra 的多种Android 移动设备提供使用周期内的安全保障,即使Google 不再支持您的 Android 版本,也能确保安全更新。 可供全天候的日常使用在耐用性方面,PS20凭借坚固耐用的设计,可确保全天候可靠运行。 PS20能够在工作温度范围内承受从 4 英尺/1.2 米高跌落到水泥地面和1,000 次从 1.64 英尺/0.5 米高处翻滚所 …
PS20 移动数据终端支持 | Zebra - Zebra Technologies
通过这个功能强大的界面,可以轻松设置、部署和运行 Zebra 的 固定式工业扫描器和机器视觉智能相机,无需使用不同的工具,同时减少了培训和部署时间。
Device Features - Zebra Technologies
With the front-facing camera, the device supports Visible Light Communications (VLC) indoor positioning/locationing applications. In addition, the camera is used for image/face recognition. …
Specifications - Zebra Technologies
For device technical specifications, go to www.zebra.com. Solutions; Hardware; Software; Services; Support and Downloads; About Zebra; PS20 Product Reference Guide; Specifications PS20 Personal Shopper Product Reference Guide; PS20 Personal Shopper Product Reference Guide; About this Guide. Configurations; Notational Conventions;
斑马Zebra PS20 购物助手系列
按照 Zebra 硬件保修声明的条款,PS20 可获得自发货之日起一 (1) 年的工艺和材料质量保证。 通过增加功能及简化移动设备部署和管理,Mobility DNA 解决方案可帮助您从移动数据终端获取更多价值。 Mobility DNA 仅适用于 Android 设备。 功能可能因型号而异,且可能需要支持合同。
Give every customer that enters your store the ultimate personalized shopping experience with the next generation shopping assistant, the PS20 Personal Shopper. Building on the successful and proven MC18, the PS20 adds loads of features that propel it to the head of its class to deliver revolutionary customer service and more.