Great Grevy's Rally - Grevy's Zebra Trust
Participate in the Great Grevy's Rally 2024, earn your stripes and support the conservation of Grevy's Zebra. (27 + 28 January 2024).
The results of the Great Grevys Rally reinforce the critical importance of access to grazing and water within a secure environment for Grevy ïs zebra. Historically, Laikipia County was not a natural part of Grevys zebra range, However, today it is supporting over half of Kenyas Grevys zebra population due its healthy rangelands.
Great Grevy's Zebra Rally - wildlifedirect
2018年1月11日 · Great Grevy’s Zebra Rally. By: Trish Sewe Nairobi-January 10, 2018: Somewhere in Northern Kenya lies a gem. A stunningly beautiful but endangered zebra that many Kenyans have never heard about, let alone seen. This is the story of the Grevy’s zebra. A rare Kenyan heritage that needs to be protected before it goes extinct.
Field Work and the Great Grevy’s Rally
2018年2月12日 · The Great Grevy’s Rally (GGR), organized by Grevy’s Zebra Trust, is an open census where everyone from students to PhD professionals, to Kenyan and international volunteers can take part in a ground count of Grevy’s Zebra throughout northern Kenya.
Homepage - Grevy's Zebra Trust
We are the only organisation 100% dedicated to Grevy’s zebra conservation in Kenya. Over 90% of our team is employed from communities living with Grevy’s zebra. By Andy Lekisanyal, GZT Rangelands Manager Holistic Land and Livestock Management (HLLM) is an innovative tool designed to enhance rangeland health through regenerative grazing practices.
Giraffe Field Work and the Great Grevy’s Rally
2018年2月27日 · The Great Grevy’s Rally (GGR), organized by Grevy’s Zebra Trust, is an open census where everyone from students to Ph.D. professionals, to Kenyan and international volunteers can take part in a ground count of Grevy’s zebras throughout northern Kenya.
The Great Grevy’s Rally | Turkana Basin Institute
2016年2月1日 · On January 30th and 31st the TBI field school students were able to take part in a historically important effort across Kenya. The Great Grevy’s Rally is part of a huge attempt to help stop declining population numbers of the endangered Grevy’s Zebra (Equus grevyi).
The Great Grevy’s Rally - Marwell Zoo
2016年1月5日 · The Great Grevy’s Zebra Rally will take place on 30 th and 31 st January 2016 in Kenya, coinciding with International Zebra Day. Researchers are joining forces with conservancy managers, community members, tourism operators and members of the public, enabling them to become conservation citizen scientists.
Bringing people together as scientists to save a zebra species
2016年9月15日 · The Princeton-sponsored event used 40,000 photos collected by 500 volunteers to track and identify the remaining wild population of the world's largest and most imperiled wild horse species, the Grévy's zebra. The rally revealed that 2,350 Grévy's remain, 95 percent of which live in just five counties in northern Kenya.
African Conservation: The Great Grevy’s Rally
2020年3月5日 · Apart from their incredible beauty, their critical ecological role and their cultural importance in pastoralist communities, Grevy’s zebra are used by herders to predict rainfall, detect predators and find water through grazing during droughts.