Where does Zed appear after he ults you? : r/zedmains - Reddit
I never really understood the saying that "Zed will always appear behind you". I keep on missing crucial spells after he ults such as Yasuo tornado, Ahri charm, and Zoe sleep. What exactly does it mean "Zed will always appear behind you". I keep on throwing the spell in the opposite direction im running during the 0.75s Death mark is being applied.
Zed.dev if you're coming from VSCode. : r/webdev - Reddit
2024年3月13日 · Definitely fast, but just milliseconds anyway. Fast feedback does feel nice though. But I'm running on an M3 Max currently so I wouldn't really say VSCode is slow either. Opening a project via `zed .` vs `code .` is night and day though. Zed is faster. - Extensions. Currently it only is able to extend: Grammar, Theme, and Languages.
How do I beat Zed? : r/QiyanaMains - Reddit
2022年3月19日 · Pre 6: Stay behind minions to make sure zed weq does less damage. Try to dodge at least 1 q. After weq of zed, wait for the shadow to disappear. If zed is full health then e to minion then qwq. If zed is 75-50% health, e to minion q zed, w forward then auto attack him with w passive until killable with q ignite.
How to play against 𝚣𝚘𝚎 : r/zedmains - Reddit
2020年5月11日 · Hey guys, I just started to play zed after he was in the free champion rotation. I’m having problems with playing against 𝚣𝚘𝚎 in general. She’s broken in my eyes, but if you have any tips about playing against 𝚣𝚘𝚎 or even zed tips in general, are super appreciated.
How to play Zed after his nerfs and durability patch : r/zedmains
2022年8月20日 · Ayo guys how to even play zed after his nerfs and durability patch, i played him regularly before and it was insane, i did dmg i could oneshot, now people are like "you need to hit every spell not 1 and oneshot" my man i hit aa 3qs e electron and r and i didnt oneshot kai sa level under me with 0 armor while i had 2 items, in late game i deal like 300 dmg a Q and i …
ekko vs zed : r/ekkomains - Reddit
2020年12月27日 · idk if this is just due to the fact that i’m gold 4 or them just being bad but i’ve personally never lost lane to a zed after i hit 6, i always let them push even if it means i have to give up some of my cs, and i stand behind minions a lot so his q does less damage, whenever i see he has no w i go in for a trade which should be easy for me since he has no combo or escape, i also rarely do ...
Zed Nerfs : r/zedmains - Reddit
Because Zed's Q does reduced if it's hit a unit first, that double Q will not do that much DMG at all . And E dmg is already insignificant. I started building crit on zed just lately bcuz 3Q E caster zed won't be able to 100-0 target . But a 60%crit Infinity edge Zed auto hits like and then it doesn't matter if you hit Q or na.
Zed's exact ult combo? : r/summonerschool - Reddit
2020年4月30日 · Zed After ulting, what is the exact ideal kill combo including autos? I read that it's also crucial to land an auto after they have <50% hp. Any tips on how to smoothen the combo too? What i mean is that after ulting, i find it hard to follow myself and landing all the shurike
New Shen v Zed quest : r/Shen - Reddit
2023年12月13日 · 30% stronger shield is insanely good. Does anyone think this is more Shen sided since Zed has to put in more effort to kill two allies and all Shen has to do is pop ult to eliminate half of Zed's damage? Zed is a single target champion so getting two allies is much harder to pull off.
Zed match up? : r/NaafiriMains - Reddit
2024年1月16日 · New to naafiri, and wondering how to play zed match up. I could play pretty well pre level 6, and was actually winning lane and making good plays, but post lev 6 he just started one shotting me. I try procing ult shield but i cant even get a …