The Preakness x Zed Run Collection
A limited edition NFT art collection based on the ZED RUN Nakamoto Bloodline in collaboration with The Preakness. This collection of masterpiece art animations encapsulates the rarest Nakamoto bloodline in Zed Run.
Zedx - Blockchaingames.fun
Based on ZED RUN, a digital horse racing game where players own, breed, and race virtual racehorses. Each horse is a unique NFT with distinct characteristics that affect its performance. Players participate in various race events, using strategy to choose races, manage horse fatigue, and maximize earnings through race rewards and marketplace ...
如何玩转ZED RUN并获取收益?(一) - 微博
2021年8月5日 · °ZED RUN:一个足够炫酷的NFT赛马游戏 ; °Mars4的百倍机遇:创收型NFT+火星稀缺地块 ; °如何在Cherry Swap的早鸟阶段进行mining并获取收益?
ZED RUN NFT赛马游戏 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
ZED RUN是一款NFT赛马游戏,你可以培养出一匹优良的马,再将你的马拿去参加各种比赛,锻炼出冠军品种的马匹。 NFT 马属性. ZED RUN每一匹马都拥有独特的气质和属性,每一匹马代表了每一个不一样的NFT,基因、血统、毛色等其他属性都会影响马匹在赛场上的表现,包括影响它们的后代。 NFT 马的四种血统. 1. Nakamoto Bloodline(中本聪血统) 中本聪是最著名的纯种马,因为它们是 ZED 中最纯正的赛马,通常被称为武士品种。 ” 这些是 Zed Run 创世马中最稀有 …
Web3 Horse Racing Game ZED RUN Transitions to ZEDx
2024年6月29日 · NFT-based horse racing game ZED RUN has announced its transition to ZEDx, introducing a complete redesign of the former platform. This transition is spearheaded by a revamped leadership team, including new CEO Nir Efrat, Head of Product Nick Ciesinski, and Game Design Advisor Margaret Robertson.
读懂a16z参投的ZED RUN:如何打造炫酷的NFT赛马游戏 - AICoin
Zed Run是一款使用NFT的在线赛马游戏,玩家可以购买,繁殖和竞赛以NFT为代表的数字马。 Zed Run开始于在澳大利亚的一家中国餐馆里张贴的一张赛马海报。
ZED RUN to Sunset with Final Event, $100K ZED Tokens Up for …
2025年2月3日 · Popular web3 digital horse racing platform ZED RUN will officially close on February 28. After several years of offering players the opportunity to race, breed, and trade digital horses using NFTs, the platform will hold its final event, the Sunset Stakes, to mark the end of its operations.
FAQ – ZED Token
A ZED RUN racehorse is an ERC 721 non-fungible token (NFT), whereas a ZED Token is an ERC 20 fungible token. What this means is every single ZED Token (ERC 20) has the same value. One token is replaceable with another and are mutually interchangeable.
NFTs – Zed Zeroth
Zed has released three "first-of-their-kind" collections as part of his World of Hex NFT series. Zed's NFTs are not only minted to the Ethereum blockchain (the traditional type of NFTs) but also inscribed to the bitcoin blockchain using a bleeding-edge technological development referred to as the Ordinal Protocol.
ZED Token
一场非同质化代币 (NFT) 与玩赚之间的交集,极速成为电玩游戏史上最大型的数字转型之一。 ZED 代币是为玩家和参与者铸造、分发和维护的,以用于游戏中的实用程序。
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