ZEDEX – Plasmass Group
ZEDEX减摩材料解决了摩擦滑动单元和机构中零件的磨损问题、 替代了标准材料、 例如:青铜、聚酰胺(卡普纶合成纤维)、氟塑料、夹布胶木、聚缩醛(POM-C)、锌铝铜合金、铸铁等材料用于设备和机器的类似节点。
ZEDEX® Products - our portfolio of high-performance polymers
ZEDEX® products: In addition, we offer you advice on calculation & design and support you with research, development and analysis
材料 – Plasmass Group - zedex-pg.cn
了解我司的工程塑料和高性能塑料ZEDEX、INKULEN PE、INKUMER EL、INKUPRO PP、INKUPOM C品牌 等。Plastmass Group公司 根据高质量标准(ISO 9001:2015)用标准、 高效和工艺性塑料生产塑料商品。在生产我厂仅使用来自知名供应商的优质初级原材料。
ZEDEX ® - лучшие высокоэффективные полимеры
Полимерные композиты серии ZEDEX ® (ЗЕДЕКС) основаны на матрице из термопласта и комплексе функциональных наполнителей, в качестве которых в разных сериях применяются стекло- и углеволокно, графит и различные полимеры. Компания Plastmass Group является единственным производителем материалов ZEDEX в России!
Plasmass Group
ZEDEX® Plasmass Group 的减摩材料(基于 PET、PPS、PEEK、PEI、PI、PA、PSU 等)、INKULEN PE 高和超高分子量聚乙烯和 INKUMER EL 聚氨酯弹性体、以及GK Plastmass Group 生产的 INKUPRO PP 聚丙烯(均聚物和共聚物)通过替代标准材料、例如:青铜、聚酰胺(卡普纶合成纤维)、氟 ...
深圳市展涛实业有限公司 - ztsy-plastics.cn
zedex®合成材料适用于制作耐磨滑动轴承、衬套、衬块、滑轮、滑行螺母、齿轮、蜗杆轮等多种零件。 ZEDEX® 材料的加工不需要专用的机械或特殊,可以在金属切削、木材加工设备、旋床、铣床、钻床、刨床等加工。
ZEDEX® die besten Hochleistungspolymere für Ihre Projekte
We offer over 50 years of experience in the development, processing, fabrication and design of high-performance polymers. ZX-200LT is a compound based on PK (polyketone) and, like PEEK (polyetheretherketone), belongs to the group of polyketones.
This Agrément Certificate Product Sheet(1) relates to Zedex CPT High Performance Damp-proof Course, a flexible sheet material manufactured from a mixture of thermoplastic polymers and additives, used to provide a horizontal, vertical or stepped damp-proof course (dpc) in either solid or cavity masonry walls.
ZEDEX® material families from Wolf-Kunststoff-Gleitlager GmbH
The ZEDEX ® material families are based on engineering & high-performance polymers and are were born from the experience gained in our over 50 years of activity in solving the problems deriving from the use of plastic materials as machine elements.
3300 400 350 3955 4000 3900 3900 2937 7000 2900 5545 3000 4030 4356 2320 1170 1190 3320 8830 outer fiber stress at 3,5% outer fiber strain σ f3, 5 96 12 11 103 126 117,5 110 119 150 89 129 74 8 114 63 19 15 103 177 flexural strength σ fM 117 17 17 113 168 143 127 159 210 126 138 81 50 116 70 18,9 15 68 182 flexural stress at break σ fB