DUV lithography for chip manufacturing | ZEISS SMT
With lithography optics from ZEISS SMT (no sales in Germany), chip manufacturers worldwide can expose with nanometer precision – in the range of "deep ultraviolet light" (DUV light) with wavelengths of 365, 248 and 193 nanometers. The DUV light …
DUV Lithography: Light creating digitalization - ZEISS Vision Care
2025年1月23日 · For more than 50 years, DUV technology has made it possible to combine the increasing demand for high-performance microchips with cost-efficient production – laying the foundation for digitalization. Together with EUV and High-NA-EUV lithography, it sets the pace for a connected, digital future.
DUV-Lithographie und Technologie | ZEISS SMT
DUV-Lithographie-Optiken (Deep Ultraviolet Light) von ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (SMT) nutzen Licht im nicht sichtbaren ultravioletten Spektrum mit Wellenlängen von 365, 248 und 193 Nanometern für die präzise Belichtung. Für immer kleinere Strukturen und leistungsfähigere Chips hat ZEISS SMT in den letzten mehr als 50 ...
We are shipping 0.33NA optics in high volume to the customers. We are producing mirrors and frames for High-NA EUV optics at full speed. Build up of system integration tools is progressing. EUV roadmap extensions are visible.
Photomask Tuning Solutions by ZEISS SMT - ZEISS Vision Care
ZEISS ForTune and ZEISS ForTune EUV improve wafer intra-field litho parameters by mask tuning in high lateral resolution on top of any other available solution in the market and at low cost. The systems are available for all market segments (Memory, Logic in DUV and EUV) and cover the following applications:
• Over the decades ZEISS has developed new AIMS™ generations to keep with the ongoing demands in mask making from i-line to EUV technology • More than 100 AIMS™ systems have been delivered to the industry during that time
光刻机镜头光学设计探秘. 第一部分DUV - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
下面我们分别选择一款DUV和EUV光学系统,进一步探秘他们的光学设计。 DUV光刻系统实例: 厂家:Carl Zeiss. 波长:DUV -193.304nm. 类型:18P浸液微缩投影镜头. 文献-光学系统Layout: 文献-光学系统数据: 文献-非球面面型系数: ZEMAX复现分析: Layout: Spot Diagram: Field Curve & Distortion: 其他信息: 光学设计分析: 1. 材料选择: 当波长涉及到紫外区时,常规玻璃吸收率很大,因此能使用的材料较少。 该镜头工作波长 193nm,使用了 合成石英 以实现较高 …
In this work, we have empirically evaluated the ZEISS state-of-the-art mask tuning solution named ForTune ERC (Enhanced Registration Control). This solution is based on laser processing of the mask bulk by the ZEISS ForTune tool. It allows to suppress few nanometer overlay residuals (post the scanner best-can-do) down to deep sub-nanometer, all
EUV-Lithographie und zukünftige Technologie | ZEISS SMT
Das bisher führende Verfahren für Lithographie mittels „deep ultraviolet light“ (DUV) arbeitet mit 193 Nanometern Wellenlänge. Damit sind Strukturen mit Abmessungen von 40 Nanometern möglich. Bei der EUV-Lithographie kommt Licht mit einer extrem kurzen Wellenlänge von 13,5 Nanometern zum Einsatz.
蔡司(ZEISS)和通快(TRUMPF)高数值孔径极紫外光刻技 …
2024年9月24日 · 近日,2024年度“Werner-von-Siemens-Ring”奖现已授予蔡司(ZEISS)和通快(TRUMPF)的研究团队,以表彰他们在高数值孔径极紫外光刻技术(High-NA-EUV)方面的突破性发展。