FB204/5E Encoded Stage Focusing Mount For Reflected Light
The FB204/5E stage focusing mount is designed for use with the FB203E Z-axis motorized focus block in applications using reflected light.
FB204/5 載物台聚焦支架 - totalsmart.com.cn
FB204 和 FB205 載物台聚焦安裝座與 Prior 的直立反射顯微鏡電動載物台相容。 適用於安裝在麵包板上的光學系統及客製化顯微鏡。 採用高性能 FB203 線性執行器,Z 軸行程為 38 毫米, …
FB204/5 載物台聚焦支架 - totalsmart.tw
{loadmoduleid 130}Z 軸電動聚焦支架 | 適用於反射光應用的載物台FB204/5 載物台聚焦支架適用於反射光應用的載物台聚焦支架 ...
虹渐光电 - nanoptic.com
FB 系列电动 Z 轴根据不同的应用有若干个选择, FB203 最为简易,可以灵活应用于各种光路搭建; FB204, FB205 可以直接固定 Prior 的 XY 电动平台,用于反射光光路,区别在于底部固定 …
Z Axis Motorized Focus Mounts - Meyer Instruments
Motorized Linear Axis adaptable to support Prior XY stages. The FB range of Z axis motorized stages are designed to be a flexible motorized single axis, allowing basic integration with the …
Z轴位移台 FB203, FB204, FB205, FB206 - DirectIndustry
z 轴电动台的 fbb204 系列设计为灵活的电动单轴,可以与 fb203 基本集成,或者为 xy 舞台提供易于安装的支架,fb204 或 fb205 带有偏移底座(fb206 用于透射光源)。
Z Axis Motorized Focus Block with Base Bracket and Stage Bracket FB204
Z Axis Motorized Focus Block with Base Bracket and Stage Bracket FB204. Need Asssistance? 800-942-0528. Microscope Blog. Resource Library . Login Request Quote. 0. 0. Industrial …
Upright (FB204, FB205) and transmitted light/inverted (FB206) microscopy configurations are supported. Customized focus block configurations are also easily designed using the FB203 …
Z-axis positioning stage FB203, FB204, FB205, FB206
Motorized Linear Axis adaptable to support Prior XY stages. The FB range of Z axis motorized stages are designed to be a flexible motorized single axis, allowing basic integration with the …
Housings and Inserts | ZEN Bearings
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