Zenit 1 - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2024年3月27日 · The Zenit (or Zenit 1) is a 35 mm SLR camera made by Krasnogorski Mekhanicheskii Zavod (KMZ) in Krasnagorsk near Moscow in the USSR, during the cold political climate of the early 1950’s. KMZ was established in 1941. This is the first model to use the 'Zenit' name, and the founder of a long dynasty. It was produced between 1952 and '56.
Zenit (camera) - Wikipedia
Zenit (Russian: Зени́т) is a Soviet camera brand manufactured by KMZ in the town of Krasnogorsk near Moscow since 1952 and by BelOMO in Belarus since the 1970s. The Zenit trademark is associated with 35 mm SLR cameras.
千万别买这台相机—zenit 泽尼特机械光学成像仪(胶卷单反相 …
2017年12月1日 · 1951年,以Zorki 1C机身为基础,加上反射镜及棱镜取景器,诞生了Zenit 1,这是苏联第一台单反相机,采用和Zorki机身一样的M39螺纹镜头接口,但由于单反相机和旁轴相机的像面定位距不同,镜头不能通用,KMZ把原有旁轴镜头成像距加长,生产了第一批单反用M39螺口 ...
Zenit 1 | Guide for the single lens reflex camera
The Zenit 1 is the first 35mm camera from KMZ and was produced in the 50s. Here you can find info about the camera and the films.
社会主义骄傲 泽尼特世家_器材_色影无忌 - 无忌器材
2016年8月5日 · 先上一张黑白双雄——ZENITE 12XP和ЗЕНИТ ET. ET的靓照. ZENIT 12XP的标准照. 论坛原地址:泽尼特世家. ZENIT 12XP的背影. ЗЕНИТ ET的俯视照。 标有苏联优质产品CCCP标志的ЗЕНИТ 12са俯视。 资深泡菜咱家是猫的父亲当年用的就是一部zenitET和一支50/2,一支37/2.8还有一只80-200变焦。 两支定焦在他手上没有合适的转接环,在Nikon机器上发挥得不好(编者注:M42真心不适合转接尼康......),老ET取景器部分螺丝松动,已不堪再 …
Zenit - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年10月13日 · Zenit cameras (sometimes badged in Cyrillic, ЗЕНИТ or ЗeHuḿ) were made by the KMZ factory near Moscow. The original Zenit is an SLR based on the Zorki rangefinder (itself based on the FED, which is a copy of the Leica II). The first few Zenit cameras have a 39 mm screw thread lens mount, exactly like that of the Zorki.
Zenit (original) | Camerapedia | Fandom
Zenit is a 35mm film SLR camera made by KMZ and produced between 1952-56 with quantity 39.019 units. Original Zenit is also known as Zenit 1. Zenit (Зенит = Зенит), means Zenith, a point in the sky that appears directly above the observer. On the front of …
ZENIT-1 . 1954 year. Vintage soviet camera - eBay
ZENIT-1 . 1954 year. Vintage soviet camera. “Vintage good condition for collections.” An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational and functions as intended. This item may be a …
泽尼特回归:Zenit 50mm f/0.95、50mm f/1.2、85mm f/1.2 陆续到来
2016年4月18日 · 二次世界大战后,KMZ-Zenit公司一度成为前苏联的主要相机和镜头品牌,其概念产品也曾经在1958年于荷兰布鲁塞尔的世界博览会上夺取过国际性的奖项。
Zenit 1 - Camera – Kamerastore
It was the first camera to use the Zenit name and was produced between 1952 and 1956. Metal body available in silver. Shutter: Horizontal cloth focal plane, 1/25s - 1/500s + B