Zenit 3M - Camera-wiki.org - The free camera encyclopedia
2023年10月10日 · The Zenit 3M is a 35mm SLR made in the USSR by KMZ between 1962 and 1970 as part of the long-running Zenit series. It has interchangeable lenses using a 39mm …
Zenit-3M - Soviet Cameras
2020年3月29日 · Zenit-3M is a Soviet 35mm SLR camera that was produced at KMZ (Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant) from 1962 to 1970. Zenit-3m was essentially an improved …
Zenit-3M review - Kosmo Foto
2022年1月21日 · It’s not often that you can describe a camera with an eight-year, 800,000-examples production run as a stopgap, but the Zenit-3M essentially served a s a halfway …
Zenit 3M - Camerapedia | Fandom
Zenit 3M is a 35mm film SLR made by KMZ and produced between 1962-70 with quantity of 781.678 units. Zenit means Zenith, a point in the sky that appears directly above the observer. …
Soviet camera Zenit-3M review and manual - USSRs …
Zenit-3M offered the user everything that he needed, including a set of exposures that was completely adequate to the photographic films of those years. And besides, the Zenit-3M was …
Zenit 3M - John's Cameras. A collection of interesting and old …
2019年3月4日 · Zenit 3M 35mm film SLR from the KMZ factory in Russia. This camera is an early adaptation of the Zorki camera, turning it from a rangefinder to a Single Lens Reflex camera. …
The Best Zenit Cameras
2023年3月25日 · Zenit-3M. Zenit-3M, although it already has a lot of innovations in its design, such as a film advance lever and an opening back cover, is still a purely mechanical camera. …
The Camera Collection: Zenit 3m
2013年1月21日 · The Zen art of SLR: the Zenit 3m is small, beautiful and extremely minimalist in functionality. No tricks like instant mirror return, you have to cock the shutter to see trough the …
“十月革命”50周年纪念版泽尼特Zenit 3M单反照相机!前苏联制造!
2020年5月17日 · 这款Zenit 3M单反相机是前苏联在1962-1970年间生产的单反相机,产量达到了781,678台。机器本身很简单,使用135胶卷,镜头可换,镜头接口为M39螺口。快门速 …
Soviet Zenit-3M camera – Soviet cameras of the USSR
2022年2月17日 · Zenit-3M is a cult camera that enjoyed great popularity both in the USSR and in the West, and paired with the legendary Helios-44 2/58 lens, it is probably the best and …