RK-2 grip - Zenitco
Designed for the convenience of holding weapons when firing. The "RK-2" front grip (hereinafter "RK-2") is installed on any handguard with a lower Picatinny rail or on B-9 rail and is used for the convenience of holding weapons when firing. Weight: 180 + 5 g. Warranty period of storage and operation: 60 months. 1.
Zenitco Accessories - Legion USA
Authentic Zenitco AK rifle and shotgun parts. Made in Russia extremely reliable military grade handguard, buttstock and Zenitco accessories for sale at Legion USA.
ZenitCo RK-2 long tactical front grip | IvanTactical Store
CNC machined alluminum ZenitCo made RK-2 long tactical front grip. It has waterproof slot for accessories. The longest grip, sutible even for machine guns Weight is 180g Picatinny rail mounted Size: 140x47x38 mm.
Zenit RK-2前握把【RK-2】_前握把_功能配件_逃离塔科夫Wiki,逃 …
2023年10月11日 · RK-2前握把可以安装在护木下方的韦弗式导轨上,能在开火时提供更佳的武器操控性。 总览类型前握把重量0.2kg占用格数1x1商人购买Skier等级2性能后坐力-4%人机工效-8介绍RK-2前握把可以安装在护木下方的韦弗式导轨上,能在开火时提供更佳的武器操控性。 ...
Zenit RK-2 tactical foregrip - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
Zenit RK-2 tactical foregrip (RK-2) is a foregrip in Escape from Tarkov. The RK-2 foregrip can be installed on the lower part of handguards with a Weaver rail. It provides better operational control of a weapon during firing. Manufactured by Zenit.
逃离塔科夫配件原品杂谈之RK系列握把A(01) - 哔哩哔哩
2020年4月23日 · 泽宁特公司成立于1994年12月13日,最开始是一家生产小型LED手电筒的企业,20多年以来,这些小型手电筒已发展成为一整套用于枪支的专业武器战术灯,以及功能强大的固定式和可拆卸式激光指示器。 2006年,泽宁特公司成为俄罗斯联邦内政部的战术灯与激光指示器的官方供应商。 随着激光指示器的大量销售,出现了如何将其可靠地****支上的问题,当时商用的AK配件不能保证可靠性和稳定性。 因此,泽尼特公司管理层开始了自己的AK系列改装件的开 …
RK-2L grip - Zenitco
The "RK-2L" front grip (hereinafter "RK-2L") is designed for installation on the Base rail and is fixed with a oval mount included in the kit. Serves for the convenience of holding the weapon when firing. Warranty period of storage and operation: 60 months.
逃离塔科夫配件科普第五期:Zenitco 泽宁特公司 武器配件系列 中 …
3.RK-2垂直握把. 安装了PK-2握把的Saiga-9/TR-9 Paradox卡宾枪. Zenitco PK-2延长前握把由D16T铝合金制成,并带有涂层。 允许射手更好地控制武器。 握把具有防水隔层,方便用户使 …
Zenit RK-2 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The Zenit RK-2 is a Russian foregrip developed in the 2010s. The RK-2 connects to MIL-STD-1913 Picatinny Rails via a detachable connector. The connector can be replaced with the B-9 flashlight holder as it features the same connection point.
Zenit RK-2 tactical foregrip - Tarkov Market
2025年2月14日 · Zenit RK-2 tactical foregrip - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters