Analytical derivation and verification of zero-gyro control for the IUE ...
The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite was launched January 26, 1978 into a geosynchronous orbit over South America. From its stationary position, the telescope maintains continuous communication with the control centers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and at the European Space Agency's (ESA's ...
绿色数据中心性能评价指标有哪些?PUE、DCIE、WUE、CUE、IUE …
The goal of the zero-gyro attitude control system for IUE is to perform sunline and pitch slews to point the telescope boresight to within +8 arc minutes of an inertial target (see figure lc) at which
IUE Operations in Detail - MAST
The IUE ground system serves two general functions: controlling (commanding) the spacecraft operations and payload utilization; and receiving and processing telemetry, both science data and spacecraft housekeeping data.
Zero-Points Errors between Large and Small Apertures - MAST
Zero-Points Errors between Large and Small Apertures. Each of the three IUE cameras included a pair of science apertures in the telescope plane, a small (`` SMAP ") and large (`` LGAP ") aperture. The SMAP was used primarily during the first few years of the mission because of concerns about the wavelength stability for large-aperture observations.
Minimizing the effects of unmeasured disturbances in an open …
2008年2月1日 · In this paper a time-delay factorization strategy for the nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and state estimation of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), nonlinear, open-loop unstable processes having output-measurement delays, and subject to unmeasured disturbances is proposed.
带你读《企业数字化基石-阿里巴巴云计算基础设施实践》第三章数 …
2021年10月14日 · 基础设施使用率(IUE)旨在根据 IT负载评估和确定基础设施资源要素使用率是否低下。 相对于 PUE 只衡量数据中心内的供电效率,影响 IUE 的因素显然多得多, 数据中心内基础设施不仅包括 IT 设备和供电系统,实际上还有散热及物理空间等。 根据数据中心内的必备要素,IUE 设计了五个资源要素,分别为电量供应(Power Delivery)、电量分配(PowerDistribution)、制冷量 (CoolingGeneration)、冷却流量. (CoolingFlow)及机架 …
绿色网格(TGGC)发布最新研究成果:基础设施使用效率(IUE) …
基础设施使用效率(iue)包含五个基础设施资源要素(电量供应、电量分配、制冷量、冷却流量、机架u位数量),这五个要素不代表全部资源,但绿色网格(tggc)与行业专家一起确定了这些要素,并将其纳入了 iue 。
New Chinese efficiency body TGGC launches IUE infrastructure metric
2019年8月1日 · A new efficiency metric, Infrastructure Usage Efficiency (IUE) has been announced by a Chinese group, TGGC, which spun off from data center industry group The Green Grid. IUE, which was launched at DCD>Shanghai in June, is intended to help data center operators get a better grip on their efficiency and so reduce their costs and environmental ...
Control Act, and the EU Registration (i.e. the European Green Deal's zero pollution), Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. floods, droughts and urban water knowledge. Existing...