Face a challenging AI that is neither brain-dead nor a clairvoyant cheater. Have some coop fun with friends, surviving waves of chicken-monsters. Cloaking? Resurrection? Tough choices …
Zero-K on Steam
With 100+ truly unique units, Zero-K is an RTS of freedom and creativity, tempered by a decade of refinement. Sculpt land into a castle and throw invaders off it with a Jugglenaut. Explore a …
Zero-K - Wikipedia
Zero-K is a free multi-platform open source real-time strategy video game. Initially based on content from Total Annihilation on the open source Spring Engine, it was forked and all …
如何评价即时战略游戏《Zero-K》? - 知乎
提示一下:在600x400的1997年,横扫千军支持3200x1800即便是2018年也算高配的屏幕,超高清画面很吊的。 因为有Zero-K, 我又玩游戏了。 很久没有玩游戏的想法。 然后又给了€10,总 …
2024年10月31日 · This is the official wiki for the free open-source RTS game Zero-K. If you're new to the game, consult the Manual for helpful information on how to get started. There is a …
Download - Zero-K
Zero-K is a free real time strategy (RTS), that aims to be the best open source multi-platform strategy game available :-)
Zero-K - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2022年4月2日 · Zero-K 是一个构建于 Spring计划 上的 即时战略 游戏,其命名Zero-K意思是 绝对零度,废墟后完全静止的意境。 主要的游戏内容在线进行,力图展现规模化(1~16人),智 …
Zero-K 一款出色的免费 Linux 实时策略游戏
受到《横扫千军》策略游戏的启发,《Zero-K》让实时游戏变得更加有趣。 该游戏在 GPL v2 下发布。 游戏的艺术作品有不同的许可证。 然而,Zero-K 并不是一个简单的克隆。 游戏中添加了 …
全新预告:《Zero-K》是一款免费的跨平台即时战略类游戏,以指挥官和机器人战争为题材。 经过多年的开发,精心的设计和平衡,《Zero-K》提供了许多有趣的策略和玩法。
Features - Zero-K
Epic Scale from tiny flea-bots to huge mechs and gigantic superweapons that wreak havoc - hundreds or thousands of units on the battlefield, all easily viewable with a fully pannable and …
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