(PDF) ARTICLE - ResearchGate
2022年8月22日 · RESULTS: CircRNA ZFR was highly expressed in HCC species than the paracancerous ones. Higher level of circRNA ZFR predicted more advanced tumor grading of HCC. The knockdown of circRNA ZFR...
A comprehensive approach to zinc-finger recombinase …
2013年2月7日 · The consensus ZFR target site consists of two-inverted 12-bp ZFBS flanking a central 20-bp core sequence recognized by the ZFR catalytic domain. Underlined bases indicate zinc-finger targets...
Jian-Cheng Tu's lab | Wuhan University (WHU) - ResearchGate
In addition, the overexpres-sion of MAP2K1 could reverse the influence of silenced circRNA ZFR on proliferative ability of HCC cells. CONCLUSIONS: CircRNA ZFR is upregulated in HCC and...
RESULTS: CircRNA ZFR was highly expressed in HCC species than the paracancerous ones. Higher level of circRNA ZFR predicted more ad-vanced tumor grading of HCC. The knockdown of circRNA ZFR attenuated the proliferative abil-ity of HCC cells, while the overexpression of cir-cRNA ZFR obtained opposite results.
This study aimed to probe into the associations among circular RNA ZFR (circ-ZFR), miR- 130a/miR-107, and PTEN , and to investigate the regulatory mechanism of circ-ZFR miR- 130a/miR-107 PTEN axis in gastric cancer (GC).
锌指 RNA 结合蛋白(ZFR)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
该基因编码一种 RNA 结合蛋白,其特征在于其 DZF (与锌指相关的结构域) 结构域。 编码的蛋白质可能在神经元中另一种 RNA 结合蛋白 Staufen 同系物 2 的核质穿梭中发挥作用。 该基因的表达通过介导差异 MicroRNA 靶向的替代聚腺苷酸化来调节。 已在患有胰腺癌的人类患者中观察到该基因的表达升高,并且该基因的敲低可能导致胰腺癌细胞的活力和侵袭性降低。 [RefSeq 提供,2016 年 9 月] This gene encodes an RNA-binding protein characterized by its DZF (domain …
尼康ZfR曝光 6000万像素 - 哔哩哔哩
它可以被称为尼康 zfr,配备约 6000万像素的传感器,装在采用尼康 zf 设计的复古机身中。 6000万像素全画幅传感器并不是什么新鲜事。 从 α7R 4 开始,它已在相机行业存在了大约五年。
2025年3月13日 · Nikon ZFR Specification. 60MP sensor; Retro ZF-style body; Higher-quality sensor (possibly 16-bit or improved dynamic range) Aimed at photographers who don’t need high speed; Could be called the “ZFR” Let’s Discuss the Speculated Nikon ZFR …
ZFR 代表 零液体潴留 - Zero Fluid Retention - Abbreviation Finder
使用 zfr 作为缩写可以提供一种简洁有效的方法来增强沟通,最终节省时间和空间。 这种做法还传达了特定领域的专业性和专业化感。 使用 零液体潴留 缩写是一种助记符,可确保官方文件的一致性。
Nikon ZfR Archives - Nikon Rumors
2025年3月14日 · Here is an updated list of “What to expect next from Nikon“: Nikon Coolpix P1100 (announced) Nikon Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.2 S (announced) Nikkor Z 28-135mm f/4 PZ zoom lens (expected tonight) New line of Nikkor cinema lenses (rumored for a while) Nikon Z9II: it may not happen soon since the Z9 is still selling […]
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