Maternal KLF17 controls zygotic genome activation by acting as a ...
2024年3月11日 · Minor ZGA begins in the S phase of 1-cell (1C) embryos with low levels of promiscuous transcription, 5 while major ZGA occurs at the mid-to-late 2-cell (L2C) stage and is characterized by large-scale transcription. 3 Both minor ZGA and major ZGA are indispensable for embryos to overcome 2C arrest. 6, 7, 8 However, the mechanisms that trigger ...
OBOX regulates mouse zygotic genome activation and early
2023年7月17日 · Polymerase II (Pol II) initiates widespread chromatin binding in one-cell (1C) mouse embryos, including many non-major ZGA targets 9. It then undergoes relocation to major ZGA genes, or...
【前沿进展】PNAS | 2-细胞样细胞(2CLCs)染色质开放的机制解析
2024年12月27日 · 研究表明,ZGA发生在小鼠胚胎的2-细胞(2C)阶段,伴随着显著的表观遗传重编程,包括异染色质修饰、3-D染色质结构的改变和染色质开放程度的大幅增加。 之前研究显示,Zscan4 (Zinc Finger And SCAN Domain Containing 4) 在Minor ZGA被迅速转录,能够激活2C胚胎中特有的内源性逆转录病毒(MERVLs)和2C样基因。 此外,Zscan4在小鼠胚胎干细胞(mESCs)中的2C样状态的细胞(2CLCs)中表现出间歇性激活,延长端粒、维持基因组稳 …
DPPA2 and DPPA4 are dispensable for mouse zygotic genome
2021年12月15日 · How maternal factors in oocytes initiate zygotic genome activation (ZGA) remains elusive in mammals, partly due to the challenge of de novo identification of key factors using scarce materials. Two-cell (2C)-like cells have been widely used as an in vitro model in order to understand mouse ZGA and t …
Maternal factor NELFA drives a 2C-like state in mouse ... - Nature
2020年1月13日 · In this study, we identified the maternal factor NELFA as one of the earliest drivers of the 2C-like state, acting upstream of previously identified marker genes, such as Dux, Zscan4 and MERVL ...
学术前沿:我国研究团队揭示2细胞样细胞 (2CLC)全能性维持新机制
2022年6月6日 · 在这里, 该研究证明染色质阅读器 TRIM66 通过转录抑制 mESCs 中 ZGA (DUX) 的主调节器来调节 2CLCs 种群,特别是通过其读取 H3K4-K9me3 修饰的能力。 该研究还表明,需要形成 TRIM66-DAX1 复合物,从而准确解释了先前关于 DAX1 在 mESCs 多能性中不可或缺的作用的观察结果。 因此,该研究结果揭示了 TRIM66 的染色质阅读器功能,并揭示了 DAX1 如何在没有 DNA 结合结构域的情况下被招募到染色质。 该研究还加深了对 ZGA 背后的监管网络的 …
Dux cluster duplication ensures full activation of totipotent genes
Zygotic genome activation (ZGA) confers to the mouse two-cell (2C) embryo a unique transcriptional profile characterized by transient up-regulation of many totipotency-related genes and MERVL retrotransposons. Intriguingly, those genes are duplicated and clustered in the genome during evolution, including Dux cluster, Obox, and Zscan4 family members in mice.
Nature | 生命如何唤醒沉默基因?清华大学揭示OBOX家族在小鼠 …
2023年7月17日 · Pol II在小鼠胚胎单细胞(1C)中启动广泛的染色质结合,涵盖非主要ZGA靶点。 随后,Pol II被重新定位到主要ZGA基因,或处于预配置状态。 果蝇中的ZELDA、GAF以及CLAMP是ZGA的主要转录因子。 NANOG、SOXB1以及POU5F1在斑马鱼中也扮演相似角色。 小鼠的DUX以及人类的 DUX4 可激活ES中的ZGA基因亚群。 NR5A2 被认为能够调控小鼠ZGA以及双细胞(2C)期以后的发育过程,但其确切功能仍在探讨中。 近期发PRD样同源盒转录因子 …
Dppa2 and Dppa4 directly regulate the Dux-driven zygotic ...
2019年2月1日 · Here we performed a candidate-based overexpression screen, identifying, among others, developmental pluripotency-associated 2 (Dppa2) and Dppa4 as positive regulators of 2C-like cells and transcription of ZGA genes.
Lactylation of Hdac1 regulated by Ldh prevents the pluripotent-to-2C …
2024年11月13日 · Lactylation of Hdac1 promotes its binding at 2C genes and enhances its deacetylase activity, thus facilitating the removal of H3K27ac and the silencing of 2C genes. In summary, our study reveals a mechanistic link between cellular metabolism and pluripotency regulation through protein lactylation.