ZGP 非线性晶体-南京光宝-CRYLINK
ZGP在740 – 12000 nm范围内具有良好的光学透明性,并且激光损伤阈值较高,因此非常适合用于产生近红外可调谐激光器。 ZGP是用于SHG,SFG,OPO和OPG / OPA等中红外设备的非常有希望的材料。
High-power mid-infrared ZGP optical parametric oscillator directly ...
Jun 1, 2023 · Improved ZGP crystal with state-of-art low absorption coefficient and high laser-induced damage threshold at 1.908 μm. Highest output power and efficiency for any kind of Tm laser directly-pumped OPOs. Superior overall photon efficiency of 92.4 % from the 793 nm LD to mid-infrared (MIR) lasers.
ZGP晶体-磷化锗锌晶体 - 精葳光学
ZGP晶体,全称为ZnGeP2(磷化锗锌)晶体,是一种综合性能优良的中远红外非线性光学晶体材料。 它以其独特的物理和化学特性,在激光技术、光学通信、红外探测等领域展现出广泛的应用前景。
Zinc germanium phosphide (ZGP) has outstanding fundamental properties as a mid-infrared nonlinear crystal. It is especially suitable for high average power applications throughout the infrared region. The large nonlinear coeficient of ZGP, which is approximately 160 times that of KDP, makes it one of the most eficient nonlinear crystals known.
Mid-infrared ZGP-OPO with a high optical-to-optical conversion ...
We experimentally demonstrate a ZnGeP2 based optical parametric oscillator (ZGP-OPO) with a record of the optical-to-optical conversion efficiency. To improve the conversion efficiency, we design and construct a double-pass pumped high-gain OPO and a matched large-sized high-peak-power pump beam to suppress the spatial walk-off and conversion.
ZGP (zngep2) Crystal - Laser Crylink
The nonlinear susceptibility of ZnGeP2 (ZGP) crystal is approximately 160 times large (d36~75 pm/V) as KDP,.ZGP shows good optical transparency over the 740 – 12000 nm and relatively …
High-power and high-efficiency 4.3 µm ZGP-OPO
In this paper, a high-power and high-efficiency 4.3 µm mid-infrared (MIR) optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on ZnGeP2 (ZGP) crystal is demonstrated. An acousto-optically Q-switched Ho:Y3Al5O12 laser operating at 2.1 µm with a maximum average output power of 35 W and pulse width of 38 ns at a repetition rate of 15 kHz is established ...
High-efficiency hundred-picosecond mid-infrared ZnGeP2 …
Jan 1, 2025 · In this paper, we demonstrated a high-efficiency mid-infrared ZnGeP 2 (ZGP) OPG/OPA system, operating at the mJ-level with hundred-picosecond pulses. The ZGP-based OPG configuration achieved a maximum pulse energy of 1.06 mJ at a repetition rate of 1 kHz, utilizing a pump pulse energy of 2.59 mJ and operating at a central wavelength of 3.9 μm.
Refractive index of ZnGeP2 (Zinc germanium phosphide, ZGP) - Das-o
Zinc germanium phosphide (ZnGeP 2, ZGP), is a non-linear optical material that has been widely used for frequency conversion in the mid-infrared range. It possesses a broad transparency range, high damage threshold, and phase-matching capabilities, making it a favored choice for a variety of laser applications.
It is one of the most com-monly used nonlinear crystals for optical parametric oscillator (OPO) technology, ZGP crystal has a large effec-tive nonlinear coefficient (d eff=75 pm/V, several or tens of times more than other commonly used nonlinear crys-tals), high damage threshold (>30GW/cm2), wide transmission band (0.74~12.4 μm), small ...