Zhang Cang - Wikipedia
Zhang Cang 張蒼 (253–152 BC) was a Chinese military general, philosopher, and politician during the Western Han dynasty. He was the representative thinker of the Yin-Yang School, as well as a Confucian scholar, army general and prime-minister under Liu Bang (Han Gaozu, the founder of the Han dynasty).
2014年7月14日 · 简介: 本剧借由长沙城一户普通的“胡”姓人家在战争中的命运浮沉,展现出战火的无情以及在日军铁蹄的侵略下,中华儿女奋起抗战的不屈精神…… 本集主要内容: 1938年 …
战长沙 (2014) - 豆瓣电影
2014年3月8日 · 故事发生在抗日战争初期,日军攻陷武汉后一路南下,长沙危在旦夕。 面对突如其来的战事,城内人心惶惶,不少人携家带口南逃西奔。 胡家孙女婿薛君山(任程伟 饰)在家人配合下,极力安排胡家最为宠爱的一对龙凤胎湘湘(杨紫 饰)和小满(牛骏峰 饰)的退路。 湘湘被托咐给留洋归来的军人才俊顾清明(霍建华 饰),不料自幼傲气的湘湘与清明水火不容,薛君山只好另寻人家。 在全家人的努力下,终于在战火烧到长沙城之前给湘湘定下婚事,算是了却 …
Zhang Zongchang - Wikipedia
Zhang Zongchang (Chinese: 張宗昌; pinyin: Zhāng Zōngchāng; also romanized as Chang Tsung-chang; 1881 – 3 September 1932), courtesy name Xiaokun, was a Chinese warlord who ruled Shandong from 1925 to 1928.
Zhang (surname) - Wikipedia
Zhang ( ⓘ; traditional Chinese: 張; simplified Chinese: 张) is the third most common surname in China and Taiwan (commonly spelled as Chang in Taiwan), and it is one of the most common surnames in the world.
張蒼 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 - 中国哲学书电子化计划
Zhang Cang 張蒼 (253—152 BCE) was a Chinese military general, philosopher, and politician during the Western Han dynasty. He was the representative thinker of the Yin-Yang School, as well as a Confucian scholar, general, and prime-minister under Liu Bang (Han Gaozu, the founder of the Han dynasty).
张苍 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
Zhang Cang - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年9月20日 · Zhang Cang 張蒼 (253—152 BCE) was the representative thinker of the Yin-Yang School, as well as a Confucian scholar, general, and prime-minister under Liu Bang (Han Gaozu, the founder of the Han dynasty). Evidence on his life is contained in the Book of Han and some later sources.
Zhang Cang 張蒼 (www.chinaknowledge.de)
2011年8月25日 · Zhang Cang 張蒼, also written 張倉 (d. 152 BCE), was a high minister during the early Former Han period 前漢 (206 BC-8 CE). He hailed from Yangwu 陽武 (modern Yuanyang 原陽, Henan) and served as censor (yushi 御史) under the Qin dynasty 秦 (221-206 BCE). As a such, he was expert in law codes and mathematics and would later be the ...
电视剧战长沙剧情介绍:1938年10月,日军攻陷武汉,长沙危在旦夕。 城中茶园巷的胡家人,在孙女婿薛君山的主持下,千方百计为胡家最宠爱的一对龙凤胎湘湘和小满安排退路。 薛君山先将湘湘介绍给留洋归来保卫长沙的顾清明,可惜生性泼辣的湘湘和心高气傲的顾清明一见面便势同水火,只好另选人家。 订婚当日,蒋介石密令火烧长沙,由于指挥失当,长沙大火酿成巨大灾难,繁华 …