Zhan Chen | U-M LSA Chemistry
The Chen lab conducts interdisciplinary research in analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, environmental chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, applied physics, nanotechnology, and macromolecular science and engineering using advanced spectroscopic and imaging tools.
Zhan Chen - Google Scholar
university of Michigan - Cited by 21,449
Chen Z Lab - University of Michigan
Welcome! Our group explores the chemistry of interfaces, using a variety of state-of-the-art techniques. Our research is highly interdisciplinary, covering many research fields in chemistry, biology, physics, bioengineering, materials science and engineering. Please see our keywords of researches if you are interested in our work.
Zhan Chen | U-M LSA Biophysics
AFM has been developed into a powerful tool to probe surface/interface structures with excellent spatial resolution through topographic, friction, or phase images. Proteins currently being studied in our group include albumin, fibrinogen, factor XII, fibrinectin, ubiquintin, and heat shock proteins.
Zhan Chen | Michigan Math and Science Scholars
Zhan is a Michael D. Morris Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Biophysics, and Applied Physics in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, and did his postdoctoral research at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Zhan Chen | U-M LSA Applied Physics Program
Understanding molecular surface/interface structures of polymers and proteins is important for many applications and processes, such as biomaterial design, anti-biofouling control, bio-adhesion, modern micro- and nano-electronic devices, nano-imprinting, and blood coagulation.
Chen, Zhan - University of Michigan - Department of Chemistry
Understanding molecular surface/interface structures of polymers and proteins is important for many applications and processes, such as biomaterial design, anti-biofouling control, bio-adhesion, modern micro- and nano-electronic devices, nano-imprinting, and blood coagulation.
Zhan Hong Cen | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Zhan Hong Cen received the B.Sc. degree in physics and the M.Sc. degree in physics (microelectronics) from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
密歇根大学Zhan Chen教授来访我院 - suda.edu.cn
2018年12月14日 · Zhan Chen教授做了题为“Molecular Structures of Polymer and Biological Molecules at Buried Interfaces”的学术报告,介绍了和频振动关谱...
Zhan Chen - Georgia Southern University
Zhan Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Science at Georgia Southern University. He joined Georgia Southern in 2014.