展茂不動產估價師聯合事務所 - zhan-mao.com
民國94年10月為因應國內不動產相關制度變革、政府落實不動產估價師簽證制度,成立─展茂不動產估價師聯合事務所(以下簡稱事務所)。 成立之目的在強調以具專業素養的估價人員,秉承「公正、客觀、嚴謹、專業、誠信」的立場,抱持審慎負責的態度,致力於建立最具公信力之估價及不動產服務之專業機構,其經營宗旨在於為國內外工商界提供確實、完整、有效率的不動產專業服務。 事務所成員為前宏基及前環宇不動產鑑定公司之分公司成員共同組成,我們除了擁有三位通過 …
展茂不動產估價師聯合事務所 - zhan-mao.com
展茂 不動產估價師聯合事務所 Zhan-Mao Real Estate Appraisers Firm. 展茂地政士聯合事務所 Zhan-Mao Land Administration Agents Firm. 展茂資產管理顧問股份有限公司 Zhan-Mao Asset Management Consultant Co., Ltd
展茂不動產估價師聯合事務所 - zhan-mao.com
在事務所成立十年餘期間,累積大量的客戶且備受客戶的認同,遂即在民國105年09月成立「展茂資產管理顧問股份有限公司」,結合動產鑑價、無形資產評價及地政士業務,形成有形/無形資產估價服務及地政士業務全方位的專業服務,來滿足不同層次客戶的估價需求。 並在台北、台南、台中、高雄成立聯絡處。
Jingtao Zhan - Jingtao Zhan
My name is Jingtao Zhan (詹靖涛, in Chinese). I am now a forth year PhD student at Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. My supervisors are Prof. Shaoping Ma and Prof. Yiqun Liu. My research interests lie in building intelligent information systems, which primarily comprise two parts.
Zhang Mao - Wikipedia
Zhang Mao (Chinese: 張茂; pinyin: Zhāng Mào; 277–324), courtesy name Chengxun (成遜), formally Prince Chenglie of (Former) Liang ((前)涼成烈王) (posthumous name given by Han-Zhao) or Duke Cheng of Xiping (西平成公) (posthumous name used internally in Former Liang) was a ruler of the Chinese Former Liang state.
Zhendong Mao - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
B Xu, A Yang, J Lin, Q Wang, C Zhou, Y Zhang, Z Mao. arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14688, 2023. 116: 2023: Show your faith: Cross-modal confidence-aware network for image-text matching. H Zhang, Z Mao, K Zhang, Y Zhang. Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 36 (3), 3262-3270, 2022. 72:
Zhan Mao's research works | Shanghai Normal University, …
Zhan Mao's 4 research works with 96 citations and 124 reads, including: Microwave-Assisted Aqueous Carbon-Carbon Cross-Coupling Reactions of Aryl Chlorides Catalysed by Reduced...
Zan Mao - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …
Zhan MAO | The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | HKU
Zhan MAO of The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (HKU) | Contact Zhan MAO
Changyou Zhan (占昌友) - Google Scholar
M Liu, C Li, M Pazgier, C Li, Y Mao, Y Lv, B Gu, G Wei, W Yuan, C Zhan, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (32), 14321-14326, 2010. 258: 2010: A facile approach to functionalizing cell membrane-coated nanoparticles with neurotoxin-derived peptide for brain-targeted drug delivery.