Prof. ZHAN Yan - Chinese University of Hong Kong
Zhan, Y. and Gregg, P. M. (2019) How Accurately Can We Model Magma Reservoir Failure with Uncertainties in Host Rock Rheology? Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124, 8030–8042. Honours and Awards
Yan Zhan - Google Scholar
Yan Zhan. Other names ... Z Yan, H Guiting, S Xiongwei, JU Wei, S Yinmin, Z Wentao, REN Kangxu. Geological Journal of China Universities 20 (2), 294, 2014. 5: 2014: Two distinct magma storage regions at Ambrym volcano detected by satellite geodesy. T Shreve, Y Zhan, H Le Mével, D Roman, Y Moussallam.
Zihan Yan - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Z Yan, J Zhou, Y Wu, G Liu, D Luo, Z Zhou, H Mi, L Sun, XA Chen, Y Tao, ... Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous … , 2022 9
Yan Zhan (詹彦)
Yan Zhan establishes physical models to decipher the early warning from volcanoes such as surface motion, earthquakes, and gas emissions. Yan also develops data-model fusion techniques to make volcanic eruption forecasts possible.
Yan ZHAN | Professor (Assistant) | Doctor of Philosophy | The …
Yan Zhan Monitoring the activity of subglacial volcanoes along the Aleutian Arc in Alaska is important to the safety of local populations, as well as air traffic flying through the...
Staff | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The …
Room 303, 3/F, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Home [zhan.caltech.edu]
The Zhan Group covers the broad area of observational seismology, from subducted slabs in the deep Earth to shallow sedimentary basins in urban areas, from rupture processes of large earthquakes to seismic moment tensors during volcanic eruptions.
Yan Zhan - Summer Associate(Data Scientist) - LinkedIn
View Yan Zhan’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
- 职位: PhD Candidate in Economics, …
- 位置: Navy Federal Credit Union
- 人脉数: 212
Yan Zhan - Yale School of Nursing
Yan Zhan, Lizhen Shao, Keyun Cheng, Youfang Zhang, Jinlan Hu. 2019. Investigating the status-quo of scientific research and its constraint factors based on medical staff’s subjective opinion from a municipal public hospital.
ZHAN, Yan - 香港中文大學學術研究文庫 - Converis标准配置
Yan Zhan establishes physical models to decipher the early warning from volcanoes such as surface motion, earthquakes, and gas emissions. Yan also develops data-model fusion techniques to make volcanic eruption forecasts possible.