张译,1978年2月17日出生于黑龙江省哈尔滨市,中国内地男演员。 1997年至2006年,张译服役于北京军区政治部战友话剧团。 2006年,在军事励志题材电视剧《士兵突击》中饰演史今一角。 2009年,主演抗战剧《我的团长我的团》,并获得2009年“最深入人心电视形象”大奖。 2010年,张译参演电影《建党伟业》,这是他的电影处女作。 之后的电视剧《雪花那个飘》《北京爱情故事》,让张译饰演的角色不断丰富并 ... >>> 张译,1978年2月17日出生于 黑龙江 省哈尔滨 …
Zhang Yi (actor) - Wikipedia
Zhang Yi (simplified Chinese: 张译; traditional Chinese: 張譯; pinyin: Zhāng Yì; born 17 February 1978) is a Chinese actor best known for his roles in films Dearest, Cock and Bull and Operation Red Sea and television series Soldiers Sortie, My Chief and My Regiment and The Knockout.
Zhan Yi
用於特殊路段的較小型號誌燈,兼具實用與美觀的功能,可依照不同地區... 各類號誌燈組合,因應不同需求選擇各式燈具、燈箱及配件,也可配合設... 行人交通安全已越來越受社會重視,而行人燈就是為了彌補交通路口上警... 等待紅綠燈的時間雖然只有數秒到2分鐘不等,但是身在其中的駕駛人往... 十字路口~學校路口~私人廣場~一般公園~停車場~鄉村地區~警示燈... 外徑-內徑-孔深-高度-錐度. 抗UV退化率、抗塵性、風洞測試、水霧測試、鹽霧測試. 拉伸強度、伸長率、衝擊強度 …
Zhang Yi (张译) - MyDramaList
Zhang Yi is a Chinese actor best known for his roles in films Dearest, Cock and Bull and Operation Red Sea and television series Soldiers Sortie, My Chief and My Regiment and Feather Flies to the Sky.
Yi Crystal Zhan - Darla Moore School of Business | University of …
Yi Zhan is an associate professor of economics in the Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. She earned her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, San Diego, in 2013. Zhan’s research interests lie in the fields of labor economics, economics of education and applied econometrics.
张淼怡 (@kiimoucom) • Instagram photos and videos
781K Followers, 0 Following, 76 Posts - 张淼怡 (@kiimoucom) on Instagram: "演员张淼怡"
张译 Yi Zhang - 豆瓣
张译,中国著名男演员。 主演《红海行动》《悬崖之上》《一秒钟》《万里归途》《山河故人》《追凶者也》《亲爱的》《满江红》《鸡毛飞上天》《狂飙》《士兵突击》《我的团长我的团》《好家伙》等诸多优秀影视作品。 曾获中国电影金鸡奖、大众电影百花奖、上海电视节白玉兰奖最佳男主角奖,中国电视金鹰奖观众喜爱的男演员奖,戏剧表演最高奖金狮奖等。 此外,其著有散文集《不靠谱的演员都爱说如果》。
Yi Zhang, Ph.D. | Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI)
Yi Zhang serves as the Fred S. Rosen endowed Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, and is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Zhang received his B.S. from China Agriculture University in 1984, and his Ph.D. from Florida State University in 1995.
Zhang Yi (Warring States period) - Wikipedia
Zhang Yi (before 329 BC – 309 BC [1]) was a Chinese military strategist and philosopher. He was born in the Wei state [2] during the Warring States period of Chinese history. He was an important strategist in helping Qin to dissolve the unity of the other states, and hence pave the …
詹怡 | 中山大学化学工程与技术学院 - Sun Yat-sen University
詹怡,中山大学“百人计划” 副教授, 硕士生导师。 2011 年 6 月本科毕业于哈尔滨工程大学化学工程与工艺专业,获学士学位。 2011年进入新加坡国立大学攻读博士,师从Prof. Lee Jim Yang,于2015 年 12 月获化学工程博士学位。 2015 年 12 月至 2019 年 5...