Zhapu - Wikipedia
Zhapu, alternately romanized as Chapoo or Chapu, [2] is a town under the administration of Pinghu, in the north of Zhejiang Province, China. [3] It is located along the northern shore of Hangzhou Bay in the southeastern part of Pinghu and borders Haiyan County to …
Port of ZHAPU (CN ZAP) details - MarineTraffic
Real-time updates about vessels in the Port of ZHAPU CNZAP: expected arrivals, port calls & wind forecast for ZHAPU Port, by MarineTraffic.
乍浦_Port of ZHAPU_乍浦港口介绍 - 搜航网
本港是二类对外开放口岸,可办理国轮外贸运输业务。 经济腹地有杭州、嘉兴、湖州地区及苏南、皖南部分地区。 这一地区素有“丝绸之府”及“鱼米之乡”之美称。 它是华东经济区中较发达的地区。 主要工业有轻工、毛纺、造纸、呢绒、电器、水泥及建材等。 农业以粮食为主,是我国重要的商品粮基工,除供应上海及浙江沿海地区外,还出口非洲和东南亚国家。 该港属亚热带季风气候,盛行东南风。 年平均气温15.7℃。 受台风影响次数少,持续时间短。 年雾日有25天,集中在冬春 …
ZHAPU Port - Ports Directory
Zhapu is a significant port located in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China. It is situated along the northern coastline of Hangzhou Bay, approximately midway between Shanghai and Ningbo, which...
CNZPU Sea Port - China - Zhapu Pt - incodocs.com
Key details about Zhapu Pt (CNZPU), a sea port in the China . Access vital trade information for shipping and logistics.
乍浦港即嘉兴港,位于杭州湾跨海大桥北侧,是浙江北部唯一的出海口和海上对外贸易口岸,是国家一类开放口岸,也是杭州湾北岸制造业基地的核心区域。 具有良好的深水岸线和港口条件,目前已建成集装箱、散杂货、液体化工等各类码头万吨级泊位12个,千吨级泊位7个。 集疏运条件便利,和上海、杭州、宁波相距均在100公里左右。 嘉兴港区是浙江省杭州湾北岸重要的先进制造业基地,后方腹地经济发达,仓储物流业发展空间巨大。 乍浦港即东方大港,最早由孙中山提 …
Zhapu - China - maritimeoptima.com
Track the live port traffic in Zhapu with AIS data from satellites, terrestrial and dynamic AIS sources by registering a free account in ShipAtlas by Maritime Optima. Which country is Zhapu in? Zhapu is located in China. The official UN/LOCODE of this port is CNZPU. How many vessels are in Zhapu port?
Port of ZHAPU - iContainers
The port of ZHAPU is located in China’s Zhejiang Province. It’s a deepwater harbor on Hangzhou Bay’s northern shore. Under the Qing dynasty, it prospered from being the only port to handle trade with neighboring Japan and Korea. There are …
Port of ZHAPU - 乍浦港口资料
中国浙江北部新建海港。 位于上海西南的杭州湾北岸,浙江省平湖县乍浦县附近,至上海吴淞约110海里,至镇海约60海里。 1986年12月起在乍浦原炮台旧址一带抛石围堤建现代化海港。 第一期工程投资7300万元,建有一个海轮码头和一个内河港区。 一条栈桥长1150米,码头平台长252米,宽28米的海港码头建成使用,可停靠2.5万吨级和千吨级海轮各一艘,年吞吐能力45.4万吨。 同时建成的内河港区,能停靠12艘百吨级内河船,年吞吐能力为51.5万吨。 Port of ZHAPU - 乍 …
CNZAP - Zhapu Port Code - Seabay Logistics
Get detailed information on Zhapu Port (CNZAP) and learn about the port code for Zhapu Port from Seabay’s seaport database