香港振華在建築、海港工程、道路及渠務、地盤平整及水務五個方面具有承建工程的最高資質,是香港工程領域的知名品牌。 主要承辦土木工程、海事、房建、地基及環保工程,兼營房地產發展、貿易採購和機械設備租賃等多元化業務。 香港振華於1982年5月14日在香港成立,代表中國港灣工程責任有限公司(中國港灣)紮根香港參與本地各類環保民生基礎建設項目迄今已40年。 香港振華在港經營工程和其他業務,主要承接土木工程、海事工程、房建、地基及環保工程,又經營房 …
Established in Hong Kong in 14 May,1982, Zhen Hua Engineering Co., Ltd. (ZHEC) has been involved in various environmental and livelihood infrastructure projects in Hong Kong on behalf of China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (China Harbour) for 40 years.
ZPMC - Wikipedia
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company Limited (ZPMC) is a Chinese state-owned engineering company and the world's largest manufacturer of cranes and large steel structures. In 2015 the company accounted for about 75% of the world-market share for container cranes. [1] The company was founded in 1992.
About Us - 振華工程有限公司
Established in Hong Kong in 1982, Zhen Hua Engineering Co., Ltd. (ZHEC) is engaged in civil engineering, marine engineering, building and construction, site formation and environmental projects. ZHEC has also diversified into property development, trading and equipment leasing.
宁波振华救生设备有限公司、宁波振华电器有限公司创建于1986年,占地面积6万多平方米,总资产1.2余亿元,是专业从事救生设备研发、生产及销售的一体化企业。 公司地处东海之滨象山港畔,交通十分便利。 公司拥有一支较强的技术骨干团队。 公司通过近四十年的努力,先后自主研制出八大系列产品:气胀式救生系列、定位装置系列、海上救生烟火信号系列、气胀式救生筏系列、多功能气动式抛投器系列、微型储气瓶系列、窗帘轨道系列、国内首创自主研发环保型气胀式 …
Zhen Hua - Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Zhen Hua received her bachelor's and master's degrees in control science and engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, followed by a Ph.D. co-trained by the China Academy of Aerospace...
Zhen Hua - Google Scholar
Zhen Hua. Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University. Verified email at xjtlu.edu.cn. Uncertain information modelling computational intelligence fuzzy logic. Articles Cited by Co-authors. ... J Mao, X Gou, Z Hua. Mathematics 12 (13), 2013, 2024. 1: 2024: Improving Risk Assessment from the Perspective of Multi-criteria Decision-making. Z Hua. 2023:
MS Zhen Hua 33 - Wikipedia
Zhen Hua 33 is a Chinese-flagged semi-submersible heavy lift ship designed to carry large cargo, including other vessels and offshore rigs, on her 185 m × 43 m (607 ft × 141 ft) cargo deck.
Zhen Hua - National Eye Institute (NEI) - LinkedIn
Experienced Research Scientist specializing in machine learning and advanced data… · Experience: National Eye Institute (NEI) · Education: Purdue University · Location: Rockville · 500+ connections...
- 500+ 连接数
- 位置: National Eye Institute (NEI)
2024年10月23日 · 公司简介/Profile:ZHEN HUA ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED is located in North Point, Hong Kong and is part of the Nonresidential Building Construction Industry. ZHEN HUA ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED has 1,300 employees at this location and generates 355.23 million in sales (USD).
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