Zhen Huang (黄桢)'s Homepage
As an applied mathematician, I study quantum many-body systems from a theoretical and computational perspective. More precisely, my research focuses on the development of efficient and/or robust numerical algorithms, with applications to strongly correlated systems, quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics.
Zhen Huang - Google 学术搜索
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley - 引用次数:95 次 - Applied mathematics - Quantum many-body physics - Quantum chemistry
Huang, Zhen – Department of Neuroscience – UW–Madison
Zhen Huang Associate Professor, Neuroscience & Neurology Ph.D., Harvard University [email protected] Phone: (608) 263-2469 | Lab: (608) 262-2469 | Fax: (608) 265-5512 RESEARCH INTERESTS - Molecular mechanisms that regulate neuronal migration, laminar assembly, and vascular patterning in the cerebral cortex
ZHEN HUANG - Google Scholar
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Cited by 1,063 - Practical high-temperature superconducting magnet technology - High-power density and low-speed generators - High-thrust linear motors - New energy wind power generation systems - etc.
Zhen Huang - Google 学术搜索
Whether and how can a growth mindset intervention help students in a non-western culture? Evidence from a field experiment in China.
Huang, Zhen: Computer Security, Programming Languages, …
Zhen Huang is an Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM) at DePaul University. His research interests are in software security, program analysis, and software reliability.
Prof. Huang Zhen - Office of Shanghai Jiao Tong University - SJTU
Zhen HUANG, male, born in August 1960, is Chair Professor and Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He is a member of the CPPCC. Prof. HUANG obtained his Bachelor...
Zhen HUANG | Associate Professor | PhD | University of Wisconsin ...
Zhen HUANG, Associate Professor | Cited by 1,572 | of University of Wisconsin–Madison, Wisconsin (UW) | Read 42 publications | Contact Zhen HUANG
Zhen Huang, Ph.D. Cortical neuron migration and laminar assembly My lab is interested in several aspects of the development of the cerebral cortex. We are interested in how the different levels of organization in the cortex, from global to cellular and synaptic organization and from neural to vascular patterning, arise during normal development ...
Zhen HUANG | University of California, Berkeley, CA | UCB
Zhen HUANG | Cited by 33 | of University of California, Berkeley, CA (UCB) | Read 5 publications | Contact Zhen HUANG