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深入研究近10年真题从7个维度分析,帮助学员有方法、有重点的科学备考。 多次参与税法相关辅导资料编写,让学员在税法备考中真正做到有效备考。 张恒超 之了老师 毕业后就职于世界500强企业,从事财务管理相关工作。 随后加入大型税务师事务所,从事财税咨询、税务审核相关工作。 具有多年中级会计职称、注册会计师授课经验。 擅长应试技巧的提升培训,立足于“理解”,着手于“运用”。 尤其擅长注会《审计》科目的授课培训,被广大学员称为审计语言的“人肉翻译器”。 …
Zhi M. Liao - Google Scholar
Zhi M. Liao. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Verified email at llnl.gov. Optics Damage Nonlinear Optics high energy lasers fiber optics. Articles Cited by Public access. Title. ... ZM Liao, B Raymond, J Gaylord, R Fallejo, J Bude, P Wegner. Optics Express 22 …
廖志敏 中文主页--首页 - pku.edu.cn
We are the quantum nanoelectronic transport group in School of Physics at Peking University. Our current research is focused on quantum transport in topological materials and their coupling with...
Zhi LIAO | Physicist | Optics PhD | Lawrence Livermore National ...
Zhi M Liao is a laser scientist working at the National Ignition Facility & Photon Science Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Zhi Liao | National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
At the Science on the Mall event in Washington D.C., Zhi Liao (left) gives John Holdren, President Obama's science advisor, a virtual tour of NIF with the help of 3D technology. An immigrant from China and the first college-bound member of his family, Zhi Liao puzzled over choosing a career.
Wenchuan earthquake survivor Liao Zhi: I was reborn - CGTN
2018年5月11日 · During the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008, 23-year-old Liao Zhi was buried in the ruins along with her mother-in-law and her 10-month-old daughter. Liao was rescued around 30 hours later, but as the only survivor from the building.
Zhi Liao | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Zhi Liao received the BEng degree from Central China Normal University in 2001. He is the CTO of Hangzhou Uusense Technology Inc., China. His research areas mainly include automated software testing and network measurement.
Li-Zhi Liao - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (12), 3050 …
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