Zhu Biao - Wikipedia
Zhu Biao (10 October 1355 – 17 May 1392) was the eldest son of the Hongwu Emperor, the founder of the Ming dynasty. Upon the establishment of the Ming dynasty in 1368, Zhu Biao was appointed as crown prince. In order to prepare for his future reign, he received a comprehensive Confucian education.
Biao Zhu (朱彪) - Google Scholar
Professor, Peking University - Cited by 15,552 - Soil Ecology - Root Ecology - Soil Carbon
Biao ZHU | Assistant Professor | PhD | Peking University, Beijing
Here, we utilized a unique field manipulation experiment in an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and investigated the responses of plant species diversity, composition, biomass, and net...
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Zhu Biao: The "Shadow Emperor" of the Ming Dynasty and his …
At the southern foot of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, only a few broken walls and ruins remain of the Eastern Ming Tombs , and no trace of the tombs can be found in the mountains and forests. More than 600 years ago, a special 'emperor' was buried here - Crown Prince Zhu Biao . He never really wore a crown, but with his s
Zhu Biao - Wikiwand
Zhu Biao (10 October 1355 – 17 May 1392) was the eldest son of the Hongwu Emperor, the founder of the Ming dynasty. Upon the establishment of the Ming dynasty in 1368, Zhu Biao was appointed as crown prince. In order to prepare for his future reign, he received a comprehensive Confucian education.
朱彪 - 北京大学 - 城市与环境学院
通过生态系统生态学、生物地球化学、稳定同位素生态学、气候变化科学等多学科手段,结合野外调查取样与定位实验、温室和生长箱的控制实验、以及室内分析与模型模拟等方法,研究森林和草地等生态系统的地下碳循环过程(根系分泌物和周转、土壤有机质分解和形成、养分循环等)对全球变化(比如温度升高、降水格局改变、氮沉降增加和土地利用变化)的响应和反馈,为我国制定应对全球变化的政策与实践提供理论支持。 Chen Y, Han MG, Yuan X, Zhou HK, Zhao XQ, …
Ming tombs - Zhu Biao
Zhu Biao died prematurely on 17 May 1392, only thirty seven years old and six years before his father. His eldest surviving son (his first son died in infancy) was subsequently proclaimed as Grandson Heir Apparent and actually later ruled China …
Biao Zhu (0000-0001-9858-7943) - ORCID
Dr. Biao Zhu is a Professor at Institute of Ecology, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, China. He received his BS and MS degrees from Peking University (2002 and 2005), and PhD degree from UC Santa Cruz (2010).
Biao Zhu's research works | Peking University, Beijing (PKU) and …
Biao Zhu's 110 research works with 3,938 citations and 47,061 reads, including: Permafrost carbon cycle and its dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau
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