Rixin Zhu - California-China Climate Institute
Rixin Zhu is a Methane Policy Fellow at the California-China Climate Institute (CCCI), UC Berkeley. He has worked on a broad range of environmental issues, such as methane control in China, air pollution, and corporate social responsibility.
Rixin Zhu - UC Berkeley Law
Rixin Zhu is a Methane Policy Fellow at the California-China Climate Institute (CCCI), UC Berkeley. He has worked on a broad range of environmental issues, such as methane control in China, air pollution, and corporate social responsibility.
Rixin Zhu - Methane Policy Fellow - LinkedIn
Hi, I am Rixin Zhu, an ambitious environmental professional specializing in methane mitigation, climate policy, and sustainability. With a strong academic background and practical experience, I...
- 职位: Methane Policy Fellow at …
- 位置: California-China Climate Institute
- 人脉数: 247
People - California-China Climate Institute
Rixin Zhu is a Methane Policy Fellow at the California-China Climate Institute (CCCI), UC Berkeley. He has worked on a broad range of environmental issues, such as methane control in China, air pollution, and corporate social responsibility.
Rixin Zhu’s Post - LinkedIn
Rixin Zhu Methane Policy Fellow at California-China Climate Institute, UC Berkeley | Master of Environmental Science, 2022 | Research fellow in the field of environmental policy and economy
Rixin Zhu - Oracle America, Inc. | LinkedIn
View Rixin Zhu’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Experienced Senior Director Of Development with a demonstrated history of working in the…
- 人脉数: 299
- 位置: Oracle America, Inc.
北京|朱日新:26号宇宙 – ARThing艺术活-那一件小事儿叫艺术
Zhu Rixin explores the complexity of human social behavior and reflects on the relationship between humans and nature. HdM画廊方厅空间欣然宣布将于2025年3月8日举办艺术家朱日新个展《26号宇宙》。 本次展览基于人与景观的对话展开,以“26号宇宙”实验为原始基点,朱日新关注到人类在自然演化中呈现出的社会行为复杂性,从而延展出“26号宇宙”,这一对美好新世界的臆想,以既定发生的不可控现实,引发观众进入一段关于人类历史走向复杂性的对话。 本次展览 …
Zhu Rixin | The Other Waste Land | 8 January - 19 March 2022
Zhu Rixin's exhibitions explore the relationship between individuals and groups, using group movement as the running thread of the works, and exploring the contradictory yet interlaced relationship between groups and individuals thinking in the process of migration.
Zhu Rixin - Exhibitions | HdM GALLERY
Zhu Rixin Exhibitions: 15 Years Anniversary Exhibition, Beijing, 12 Dec 2023 - 24 Feb 2024; Zhu Rixin | The Other Waste Land, Beijing, 8 Jan - 19 Mar 2022; The order of time, Beijing, 16 May - 4 Jul 2020; Group Show, London, 24 Jan - 27 Feb 2020; Zhu...
朱瑞新 - Tongji University
2019年5月8日 · 朱瑞新博士领导的课题组研究方向聚焦人工智能与药物设计、人工智能与微生物组及数据密集型研究算法与平台开发。 以第一或通讯作者身份(含并列)在包括Nature Microbiology、Nature Ecology & Evolution、Nature Protocols、Nature Communications和Cell Reports...