Zhuk (radar) - Wikipedia
The Zhuk are a family of Russian (former USSR) all-weather multimode airborne radars developed by NIIR Phazotron for multi-role combat aircraft such as the MiG-29. The PESA versions were also known as Sokol. The Zhuk (Beetle) family of X band pulse-Doppler radars provide aircraft with two modes of operation, air-to-air and air-to-surface.
ZHUK-AE雷达性能分析 PART I 简介,背景和ZHUK家族发展历史
ZHUK-AE 雷达是俄罗斯为 MIG35 以及 MIG29 系列飞机升级开发的雷达,也是俄罗斯第一款使用AESA天线的机载雷达。 制造商 NIIR Phazotron 公开了大量技术文献,详细介绍了该雷达中采用的设计理念和技术。 本文在雷达工程方面探讨了天线和发射接收通道相关设计,以及该雷达的基本性能参数。 虽然预生产的ZHUK-AE雷达在X波段中的较低频率运行,并且发射,接收通道数比孔径相当的西方雷达更少,但它提供的功率/孔径性能优于除了最新型号以外的大多数大多数同尺寸 …
Zhuk radar | Military Wiki | Fandom
The radar forms part of the MiG-29SMT upgrade, the Zhuk-ME finding success on export MiG-29 aircraft to countries like India. The radar features improved signal processing and has a detection range of up to 120 km vs a 5 m 2 RCS target for the export variant, and up to 10 targets tracked and up to 4 attacked at once in air to air mode. [ 5 ]
N010 Zhuk - Radartutorial
N010 Zhuk (Cyrillic: Н010 «Жук», “Beetle”) is operating in the X band (IEEE designation) or in the I band (NATO designation) family of multifunctional airborne radar designed for Mikojan-Gurewitsch MiG-29M, MiG-33 and MiG-35. The initial version was fitted with a …
zhuk me是zhuk m系列的常规衍生设计,有米格-29可使用的0.7米孔径规格,或是为苏-27/30使用的0.96孔径规格。 ZHUK MSE经过了飞行测试并在苏-30MK3变型机上证实,但是到目前还没有人订购。
如何辨识苏俄制造的机载雷达(二) - 网易
2009年5月11日 · Zhuk-MFE是配备FAR-700相列天线的Zhuk-M,又称作RP-35,基本数据与Zhuk-ME相同,唯因采用电子扫描,故能同时使用多种模式、扫描更快、追踪目标更多、同时打击数也更多。
Phazotron Zhuk AE: Assessing Russia's First AESA - Air Power …
The Zhuk ME is a conventional derivative of the Zhuk M family, available in the 0.7 metre aperture configuration for the MiG-29, or the larger 0.96 metre aperture configuration for the Su-27/30 series. The Zhuk MSE was flight tested and certified on the Su-30MK3 variant developed for the PLA-AF but to date not ordered.
Flanker Radars in Beyond Visual Range Air Combat - Air Power …
The Zhuk ME is a conventional derivative of the Zhuk M family, available in the 0.7 metre aperture configuration for the MiG-29, or the larger 0.96 metre aperture configuration for the Su-27/30 series. The Zhuk MSE was flight tested and certificated on the Su-30MK3 variant developed for the PLA-AF but to date not ordered.
俄新型AESA雷达Zhuk-AME将进行飞行试验 - 搜狐
2018年11月21日 · 据简氏防务网报道,俄罗斯法兹特龙雷达研究院(Phazotron-NIIR)研制的“祖克-AME(Zhuk-AME)有源相控阵雷达(AESA)将进行测试。该雷达将被安装到俄罗斯航空航天军(VKS)的米格-35多用途战斗机上,并作为米格-29战斗机升级计划的一部分。
Zhuk (radar) - Wikiwand
The radar forms part of the MiG-29 and its variations. the Zhuk-ME finding success on export MiG-29 aircraft to countries like India. The radar features improved signal processing and has a detection range of up to 120 km vs a 5 m 2 RCS target for the export variant, and up to 10 targets tracked and up to 4 attacked at once in air-to-air mode.