蔡子-上海交通大学物理与天文学院 - SJTU
2016年9月加入上海交通大学物理与天文系任特别研究员,博士生导师。 主要从事凝聚态物理以及相关领域的数值计算和理论方面的工作,先后入选中组部第十四批“国家海外高层次青年人才“,上海市”国家高层次人才计划“。 主要研究领域涉及强关联电子系统,光晶格中的超冷原子,开放量子多体系统,非平衡统计物理,机器学习方法在物理学中的应用等方向。...
Zi Cai - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Zi Cai. Department of physics and astronomy, Shanghai Jiaotong University ... F Hébert, Z Cai, VG Rousseau, C Wu, RT Scalettar, GG Batrouni. Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (22), 224505, 2013. 26: 2013: Interaction-induced anomalous transport behavior in one-dimensional optical lattices.
Zi Cai-School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong …
Numerical methods in strongly correlated physics including quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) methods. 2. Non-equilibrium physics in open quantum many-body...
[2401.17885] Universal critical dynamics of quantum geometry
2024年1月31日 · In this study, we prove that the quantum critical point in the ground state of quantum many-body systems, can also govern the universal dynamical behavior when the systems are driven far from equilibrium, which can be captured by the evolution of the quantum geometry of the systems.
物理与天文学院蔡子课题组取得重要进展 -上海交通大学物理与天 …
近日,《Physical Review Letters》刊发了上海交大物理与天文学院蔡子课题组的题为“Pattern formation and exotic order in driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard systems”的文章【1】,报道了其在驱动-耗散量子多体系统中涌现的自发对称破缺和奇异量子态的工作。 自发对称破缺是现代物理学的一个基本概念。...
Zi Cai - 致远学院 - SJTU
Zi Cai Researcher, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of department of Physics and Astronomy Ph.D., Institude of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Quantum Slush State in Rydberg Atom Arrays | Phys. Rev. Lett.
2024年5月17日 · In this Letter, we propose an exotic quantum state that does not order at zero temperature in a Rydberg atom array with antiblockade mechanism. By performing an unbiased large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulation, we investigate a minimal model with facilitated excitation in a disorder-free system.
Cai Zi | School of Physics and Astronomy Shanghai Jiao Tong
Area of Physics: Condensed matter theory. 1. Numerical methods in strongly correlated physics including quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) methods. 2....
Zi Cai's research works
By performing an unbiased large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulation, we investigate a minimal model with facilitated excitation in a disorder-free system. At zero temperature, this model exhibits...
Zixing Cai(蔡自兴) - Google Scholar
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Westlake University, China. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 37 … 2010 international conference on intelligent system...