LVT-4 Zis-3, early chinese glass cannon with large crew
2024年8月22日 · the LVT-4 Zis-3 was a Chinese modification of the abandoned LVT-4 captured after the exile of the Republican Chinese. a bit like the LVT-(A)-4 the tank was modified using …
Community input on KV-1 ZIS-5 - Realistic Battle - War Thunder
2023年11月21日 · The KV-1 ZIS-5 is 4.7 because it has good armor and mobilty and the gun actually blow things up. The Churchill Mk VII is 4.7 because the gun is so bad that it needs to …
LVT(A)(4) M6 - Making Do With What You Have - War Thunder
2024年2月8日 · The PLA knew this as well and quickly began to look for ways to keep these vehicles combat capable. The most famous result of this was the development of the …
ZiS-6 (61k) - Ground - War Thunder — official forum
2023年8月26日 · poll poll ZiS-6 37mm 61k Disclamer: This vehicle has very little information on it, but it does exist in real life and is not a paper vehicle. History: During 1941, the People’s …
Choosing a vehicle - The Academy - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年4月18日 · Finally the LVT(A)(4) (ZIS-2) (USA) is exactly the same as the one in the chinese tech tree, and so for that reason i would avoid it when you can get other, more unique …
Community input on KV-1 ZIS-5 - Realistic Battle - War Thunder
2023年11月21日 · And also, he said, that tanks with the US 75mm can’t kill the Zis-5, yet the jumbo using the same gun magically can easily kill the Zis-5! And then, there is something, like …
USSR Tech Tree State - General Discussion - War Thunder
2024年7月27日 · At BR 4.7, the KV-1 Zis 5 has three weak spots, while the Germans, at only 0.3 BR higher, have tanks with a 145mm pen APHE round, 105mm all-around turret armor, …
LVT(A)(4) (ZiS-2) and it's "hidden stabilizer" - War Thunder
2024年9月19日 · when going at low speeds on water the LVT(A)(4) (ZiS-2)'s gun will get a stabilizer like effect even when the tank doesn’t have one. (I might sound stupid but I just …
ZiS-41: Emergency Tank-Killer - Ground - War Thunder - Official …
2023年7月20日 · poll poll poll ZiS-41: Emergency Tank-Killer History: When the Germans invaded the USSR in 1941, the Russians were caught completely by surprise. It was soon realized that …
T-34/85 (Zis-S-53) - C̶h̶e̶e̶s̶e̶ T-34 for everyone! - Ground - War ...
2024年1月18日 · Zis-S-53 with BR-365 K / A / P APCBC round and O 365 HE round (60 rounds total) Sources : Spoiler. Photo collection from ECPAD (French army photo archive) website. …