Zeolitic imidazolate framework - Wikipedia
Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs) are a class of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) that are topologically isomorphic with zeolites. [1] . ZIFs are composed of tetrahedrally-coordinated transition metal ions (e.g. Fe, Co, Zn) connected by imidazolate linkers.
ZIF-1 | Berkeley Global Science Institute
Abstract: Twelve zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs; termed ZIF-1 to -12) have been synthesized as crystals by copolymerization of either Zn(II) (ZIF-1 to -4, -6 to -8, and -10 to -11) or Co(II) (ZIF-9 and -12) with imidazolate-type links. The ZIF crystal structures are based on the nets of seven distinct aluminosilicate zeolites ...
ZIF-1-mediated degradation of zinc finger proteins in the
2023年11月1日 · We harness germline ZIF-1 activity to degrade a ZF1-tagged fusion protein from PGCs and show that its depletion produces phenotypes equivalent to those of a null mutation. Our findings reveal that ZIF-1 transitions from degrading CCCH Zn finger proteins in somatic cells to clearing them from undifferentiated germ cells, and that ZIF-1 activity ...
深度了解2018沃尔夫化学奖得主(四):Yaghi的仿沸石结构ZIF和COF …
2018年5月1日 · ZIF实际上是一类特殊的金属有机框架(MOF)材料,具有四面体型三维网状结构,从结构上类似沸石,使用锌或钴来代替沸石中的硅,用咪唑配体替代了沸石中的氧桥(Oxygen Bridge)(图1)。
Exceptional chemical and thermal stability of zeolitic ... - PNAS
2006年7月5日 · Twelve zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs; termed ZIF-1 to -12) have been synthesized as crystals by copolymerization of either Zn(II) (ZIF-1 to -4, -6 to -8, and -10 to -11) or Co(II) (ZIF-9 and -12) with imidazolate-type links.
Crystal structures of (a) ZIF-1, (b) ZIF-2, (c) ZIF-3, and (d) ZIF-4 ...
Here, we explore the distinct mechanical properties of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs)—frameworks that contain hidden mechanical components.
ZIF-1-mediated degradation of zinc finger proteins in the ...
We harness germline ZIF-1 activity to degrade a ZF1-tagged fusion protein from PGCs and show that its depletion produces phenotypes equivalent to those of a null mutation.
(ZIFs)是多孔晶体材料,在其中,有机咪唑酯交联连接到 过渡金属 上,形成一种 四面体 框架。 很多不同的ZIF结构通过简单调整交联—交联相互作用就可以形成。 Wang等人利用这种办法合成两种新材料,其结构的规模和复杂程度都是以前所罕见的。 他们所获得的笼状结构在多孔网络中含有多达264个顶点,是由多达7524个原子构建的。 这种笼状结构可选择性地高效捕获和存储 二氧化碳,这一点,再加上其稳定性和合成方法的简便性,使得巨型ZIFs成为以减少二氧化碳排放为目 …
ZIF-1-mediated degradation of endogenous and heterologous …
2023年7月10日 · Our findings reveal that ZIF-1 switches roles from degrading CCCH Zn finger proteins in somatic cells to clearing them from undifferentiated germ cells, and that ZIF-1 activity can be harnessed as a new genetic tool to study the early germ line.
A toolkit for GFP-mediated tissue-specific protein degradation in C ...
To selectively degrade GFP-tagged proteins, we expressed a GFP nanobody::ZIF-1 fusion under different tissue-specific promoters (Fig. 1 A). This fusion acts as a GFP-to-ligase adapter that promotes ubiquitylation of the GFP-tagged protein by the Cul2 family E3 ligase CUL-2 and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome (DeRenzo et al., 2003).