ZIL-114 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-114 was an official state car and transported only members of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the top leaders of the country, whereas the shorter ZIL-117 was used by secretaries of the Central Committee, as well as escort vehicles in the motorcade of heads of state, the General Secretary of the Communist ...
The Mongolian President's ZIL 114 Soviet Limousine Is For Sale
2022年2月3日 · The ZIL 114 is a gargantuan car it has a width of 2,068 mm (81.4 in), a length of 6,305 mm (248.2 in), and a weight of 3,085 kg (6,801 lb). The most important job entrusted to ZIL was the design and manufacturing of the limousines that were used by the heads of state – typically with Soviet flags attached to the front of each front fender.
可能这是知乎最全的苏联/俄罗斯豪华车历史了 - 知乎
ZIL的副总设计师负责设计了全新下一代车型——ZIL-114。 他将硬朗的箱型造型风格发挥到极致,低调、庄重而且骄傲。 ZIL-114的体量和做工是当今苏联汽车制造业的极致。 尽管使用更轻的铸铝发动机,这款6.3米长的七座车型的整车质量还是达到惊人的3吨。
The Mongolian President's ZiL 114 - deRivaz & Ives
2024年5月20日 · The ZiL 114 was the most popular of the range, with around 150 made, several of which were used by Leonid Brezhnev during his tenure as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
世界上最神奇的汽车派系——俄系车 - 知乎
ZiL 114内饰最大的进步是后排,非常豪华舒适,有独立空调出风口,宽大的沙发,还有独立窗帘,确保领导人的隐私不被他人窥探。
ZIL 114 Limousine 汽车规格和技术数据,规格和燃油消耗
ZIL 114 Limousine (1967 - 1978) - 岁 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978
Rare ZiL 114 State Limousine Heads to Auction - Autoweek
2022年2月3日 · Believed to be the longtime Mongolian leader’s state limousine, the 114 is a massive V8-engined midcentury yacht. The limousines of 20th-century heads of state don't come up for auction all that...
苏维埃的黑色高级救护车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
第一款“黑色医生”特殊救护车---ZIL-114EA。 1975年,来自利哈乔夫汽车厂的档案照片. 1953年,在克里姆林宫医疗卫生管理局的基础上,成立了苏联卫生部第四管理局,该管理局自1967年以来由俄罗斯科学院副部长、科学院院士、俄罗斯科学院院士叶夫根尼·伊万诺维奇·查佐夫任主席。 “克里姆林宫医院”系统的出现归功于叶夫根尼·查佐夫。 这个系统主要为勃列日涅夫的健康而作斗争,但实际上这个系统站在全苏,甚至世界医学的前沿。 “克里姆林宫医院”系统更像是一个试验 …
ZIL 114 - Riga Master Workshop
The ZIL-114 is a limousine from the Soviet car manufacturer ZIL introduced in 1970 to replace the ZIL-111 series which was gradually becoming out of date. In almost all respects, the ZIL-114 improved on the 111, 111A and 111G models.
ZIL 114 Limousine Specs, Performance, Comparisons
Explore the ZIL 114 Limousine 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.