ZIL-4104 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-4104 was a limousine built by ZIL from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, when it served as the transport of the elite of the Soviet Union. It is estimated that no more than fifty cars were produced each year.
可能这是知乎最全的苏联/俄罗斯豪华车历史了 - 知乎
这款车采用双化油器、自动恒温冷却系统、带同步器的变速箱、双级减震器等先进设计,还提供车内暖风空调和收音机,车漆涂料从美国进口……这样的配置在当时的苏联也称得上是绝对的豪华。 最初型号的ZIS-101最大马力90匹,最高车速68英里/时,1940年,发动机的动力提升到110匹。 第一批ZIS-101直接成为苏共中央委员和苏联红军元帅的座驾。 随后改进型号ZIS-101A、ZIS-101B和少量ZIS-102增加了刹车助力、蜗轮蜗杆式转向机。 ZIS-101A发动机的压缩比从5.5提升 …
比劳斯莱斯还尊贵的车?——吉尔(上) - 百家号
2024年9月29日 · 在动力方面,ZIL-111搭载了6.0L V8发动机,拥有200匹马力的强劲动力,并配备了两档自动变速箱,使其最高时速可达170公里/小时。 内饰方面,吉尔同样不遗余力地追求奢华与舒适,采用了优质皮革和阔布进行装饰,并配备了厚实的绒地毯和精致的抛光木制配件。 从1958年至1967年,ZIL-111在生产过程中不断进行优化和改进,推出了多个版本。 除了基础版ZIL-111外,还有配备了空调的ZIL-111A、敞篷版的ZIL-111V以及拥有四头灯和宽镀铬格栅的ZIL …
The Ultimate Communist Automaker Is Dead - Road & Track
2016年12月27日 · The ZIL-115 of 1972 was roughly the same, but with a 7.7 liter V8, because more is more.
ZIL 115 - ZIL - Riga Master Workshop
The ZIL-115 is an Russian-built limousine, produced in the late 1970s by ZiL. It was primarily used by mainly Russian dignitaries on foreign visits and army generals. Their primary colour was black it was mainly for the Soviet governmental use but a few heads of state from some Arab and African countries also used them for official transport.
ZIL-117 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-117 is a luxury sedan built by ZiL in USSR and first presented at the Autoprom (precursor of the Moscow International Motor Show) in 1977. [1] Debuting in 1971, it was derived from the earlier ZIL-114 .
ZIL 115 (41047) - [with Hungarian voice] - YouTube
Engine: Motor: gasoline 2 carburetors, OHV V8 displacement 7,695 cc (bore 4 26/30", stroke 4 13/20"), compression ratio 9 3/10:1. Max. power 315 hp 4,600 rpm. Torque 449 ft.-lb. @ 4,000 rpm....
ZIL-115 | Classic Cars Wiki | Fandom
The ZIL-115 is an armor-plated, Russian-built limousine, produced in the early 1970s by ZiL. It was primarily used by mainly Russian dignitaries on foreign visits and army officers. It was a strongly armored vehicle which would need a .303-caliber round …
List of ZiL vehicles - Wikipedia
ZIL-115 (1972) ZIL-117 (1971-1978, shortened ZIL-114) ZIL-4102 (prototype, 1988) ZIL-4104 (1978-1983) ... ZIL-130 ZIL-5301 ZIL-4331 fire truck AC 3.2-40 (ZIL-4331) fire truck AC 3,0-40 (ZIL-4334) AMO-F-15 (1924, produced in agreement with Fiat, based on the Fiat F-15 ter) ru:АМО-2 (1930)
ZIL 115 specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
ZIL 115 specs. Car type: 4-door saloon: Curb weight: 4200 kg (9259 lbs) Years built: 1948 - 1949: Origin country: Russia: Views: 51: Submitted by: humana: Powertrain specs. ... More ZIL cars 12. 1983 ZIL 41047 Skorpion 319 ps, 5160 kg. 1936 ZIL 101 91 ps, 1400 kg. 2006 ZIL 4112 R 406 ps, 3800 kg. 1971 ZIL 117 304 ps, 2880 kg. Timeline.