ZIL-135 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-135 is a large eight-wheeled military transport and self-propelled artillery truck manufactured by ZiL during the Cold War from the Soviet Union starting in 1959. Its purpose was to carry and launch a Luna-M ( NATO : Frog-7) surface-to-surface artillery rocket .
传奇135:苏联著名导弹发射器ZIL的诞生 - 哔哩哔哩
zil-135+ (1960 - 1962) 导弹两栖车研制失败带来的积极成果是1960年4月组装的一辆无弹性悬架的8吨重的ZIL-135E底盘。 它首次引入了目前众所周知的流线型车体,由两个平行180马力ZIL-375A汽油发动机和向前移动的三座玻璃纤维驾驶室组成。
ZIL-135 (1959) - Truck Encyclopedia
The ZIL-135 is a large eight-wheeled military transport Erector Launcher (TEL) also declined into a self-propelled artillery truck, both manufactured by ZiL on a similar chassis during the Cold War from 1959. This became the 8x8 Soviet Union prime mover and launcher platform for the Luna-M (NATO: Frog-7) surface-to-surface artillery rocket.
回顾苏联的八轮双发巨兽 吉尔135 8×8超重型卡车 - 搜狐
2021年8月12日 · 20世纪50年代,苏联设计的吉尔135是为地对地导弹准备的发射运输平台,该车属于大型八轮军用运输车和移动导弹系统。 吉利哈乔夫汽车厂(ZIL吉尔)进行了开发和试制,后续量产主要由布良斯克轮式牵引车厂(BZKT)的前身布良斯克汽车厂(BAZ巴斯)完成,所以 ...
BM-27 Uragan - Wikipedia
The BM-27 Uragan is capable of launching 220 mm rockets from 16 launch tubes mounted on the rear of a ZIL-135 8×8 chassis. [5] This vehicle is extremely similar to that used in the FROG-7 free flight rocket system. It has two gasoline engines that power its 20 tonnes to a maximum speed of 65 kilometers per hour.
苏联装备志——9K52月亮-M地地战术导弹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
9k52月亮-m地地战术导弹基础参数,使用9p113型轮式三用发射车,发射车又名为 zil-135 ,车长9.26米,宽3.13米,高3.06米,整备质量7吨,驾驶舱有三防系统,离地间隙580毫米,车辆部署和进入行军状态各需要3分钟,主要动力系统为2台zil-375ya 6.9升v8汽油机,单台最大 ...
ZiL-135 (8Х8) - YouTube
2012年6月27日 · ZiL-135 special wheeled chassis "...The ZIL-135 is a large, 8 wheeled military transport and self-propelled artillery truck produced in the Cold War by the Soviet Union starting in 1959. Its...
苏联ZIL-135卡车历史影像 - 哔哩哔哩
youtube, 视频播放量 8344、弹幕量 37、点赞数 143、投硬币枚数 11、收藏人数 230、转发人数 22, 视频作者 oliver2013, 作者简介 模型 卡车 坦克 ,相关视频:细品公园里的蛙7火箭,把后院停着的蛙7火箭开出来溜溜,毛子修车厂最新产品展示卡玛兹4310,俄罗斯大型运输车,毛子修车厂展示卡玛兹4310细节,MAZ ...
ZIL 135 / 135B / 135BP (Concept vehicles) - Trucksplanet
October 3rd, 1958, ZIL made a 5-ton amphibious vehicle ZIL-135 (8x8). It was powered by two petrol engines ZIL-120VK rated at 130 hp each. Its transmission included a torque converter from ZIL-111, two-stage gear splitter, planetary 3-speed gearbox, single-stage transfer gearbox, and four wheel gears.
ZiL-135 - NamuWiki
2024年12月6日 · ZIL-135: Basic model. Produced by ZIL from 1959 to 1963. It was used in the launch vehicle (9P113) of the 9K52 Luna M.